Micah Seymour

After the\y got rid of Westbrook and George, what’s left to blow up?

It’s better than the Friends remix video.

Has anything good ever happened to a Canadian politician at a Rolling Stones concert?

Didn’t hear much about him until I moved to KY”

The day was hard enough already.

Dunking on the Mets is always necessary.

Let’s go Chubbies clap, clap, clapclapclap...

I’ll never get past tourbillon movement and digital in the same watch.  One of those I can afford.

A Magary swing and miss will still be the best thing that I read today.

Yeah, but that would be all hell to light for each shot.

The palindrome of Bolton would be Notlob, it don’t work.”

Racer, writer, karaoke.  This guy’s a triple-threat.

Waving Wendell did wave up the line from Waveland

Still leading the world in /total/ prisoners.  We got ‘em lapped in per capita.

And now City will beat Spurs 7-1 this weekend to screw Liverpool.

I just read the synopsis of the David the Gnome finale. They did that to kids?

Well this is not good.  I particularly don’t like this for some reason.

“son of legendary Tennessee coach Pat Summitt” is doing a lot of lifting in his story.

Superhero scale is, of course, much larger than normal scale.

This is an unreasonably good idea.

And that exposed shift linkage with the concentric rods?

Can you explain more about that?