Micah Seymour

Handball’s have to be deliberate or gain an advantage. Think “kick rule” in basketball. If the guard throws a bounce off your foot it’s not a kick. If you instinctively or even accidentally kick at the ball, foul.

100 years ago they would have come back the next day and replayed it if it were tied after 90.  Still tied after 90?  Do it again the next day, rinse, repeat, until you have a have a winner.

Do you want 1982?  Because this is how you get the 1982 World Cup.  (It’s what they did, except that the last four teams standing did play knockout. It was so bad they haven’t tried it again.)

Her set at the WHCD was awesome, but dear me, is that show awful.

“Trump didn’t have an abortion. That evil woman killed her baby for money.” —Trumpers

5 point scale?

B.B. King Live at the Regal Sweet Little Angel >> It’s My Own Fault >> How Blue Can You Get


Ok, that was good.

Jack Aubrey would be proud.

Blade would like a word with you.

He does not look like a man who knows the word “coddle” exists.

Hell, they ain’t even old-timey.

The part your looking for where the Constitution says that part of its purpose is the safety of the people is “We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence...” 

Thanks for the seizure.

No we’re not “technically” in a state of war with North Korea, and “technically” we never have been.

“Real people make bad decisions for reasons other than the plot requiring it.”

I will stop reading that as “The Chee” (as in Tai Chi) approximately never.

Dick Bong was killed testing an early fighter jet. The fuel pump failed on take-off and Bong attempted to use the primitive ejector-seat. Unlike modern ones, the early ejector seat was not designed to be used at low levels, and Bong did not gain enough altitude for his parachute to open. He was killed on impact. Dick