Micah Seymour

That winless team he was on?

This man Kinjas.

Is that a 12-pack of Pepsi?

No that’s a case of Pepsi.

The Patriot missile is a short range interceptor with a ~50 mile range. This system has a much greater range.

I see where this is going even if Cosby doesn’t.

Coaching in the Chicago suburbs. His team (with his kid at wide-out no less) was in the state title game a few years ago.

Technical foul for simulation.

“Double minor, number 31, he was giving him the business.”

You are the plant in this story 50SoJG. You got them to write this story so you could make the perfect joke. Kudos and much power to ya.

Dude... your own link calls the one for people with intellectual disabilities the “Special Olympics”.

But we’re debating this on Deadspin and that makes us all special.

I’m gonna go radical here... Tuck the damned jersey in anyway.

5th District is North Suburbs of Chicago... Since I’m not trying to be racist, I’m gonna say Skokie.

Does anyone there still watch the occasional poker tournament?

It’s almost as if it is a season long tournament!

Sounds like an inherent flaw in the game mechanics to me, but thanks for explaining. I wondered why he got kickbanned for allowing chat trolls on a stream that I assume people are watching for the lolz of the chat trolls.

Fire your editor.

The ref is waving it off from the get go... (I’m an idiot, no he’s not). He’s signalling game over after calling it good.