
Garbage Art?

I just call it "crap I like".

Nope, still feel pretty good.

I hate the phrase "guilty pleasure". Why should I feel guilty about what I like, even if I know it's garbage?

God that got bad.

Is this code for "Smash is coming back"??

And the navy uniforms.

The information about how the whole "religion" actually works is fascinating to me. With all of the money they have to spend, and the constantly changing levels it's nuts.

What? I thought Conrad Bain had already died?

I'm watching Gilmore Girls from the beginning so I can watch the reunion. I'm up to season 5 now.

I read this headline wrong and thought it said run, Jewel dropped a new album. That would really put a bow on 2016.

Is the Wedding Ringer that much better than Paul Blart?

Is anyone here from Boston who can explain the special relationship with Dunkin? There is a Dunkin on every corner in Philadelphia but it doesn't seem the same.

Agreed. Not only does she seem to regret her nonsense, she seems to be an enthusiastic participant.

No love for the candle song? I thought that was great.

The first thing I thought about when I saw the town full of women was Leela looking for apartments on Amazonia.

Sons of Anarchy. I watched the entire show and thought it was awful by the final season. No need to go back to Charming.

I don't agree with any of that about Gregory. I just thought he was an asshole.

That's not remotely the point though. They are making it seem like she regrets what she did. There's nothing to indicate that she does. Quite the opposite.

That's at best a lazy way out then to make the sketch work. Now that I say that I guess I'm not sure why I'd expect something else.