
Poorly-informed opinion: What if Dark Matter is simply the mass/energy that makes up all of the un-observable parallel universes that exist in quantum multiverse theory? Dark Matter is just ordinary matter that we can’t perceive.

Even very solid matter is mostly empty space, so why couldn’t all of those parallel

“I think it’s better to err on the side of America, than the side of exploiting cheap foreign labor and pollution.”

Don’t worry. If Donald gets his way then domestic industry will be exploiting cheap American labor and pollution.

No, no, no! It’s pronounced: “GUH-LAR-DOUGH”

“Why does he always look like he’s dressed himself from the clearance rack at Sears?”

You don’t need to have been there to have at least some idea of what happened. The rim isn’t bent or damaged in the slightest. There’s not even curb rash. That means it wasn’t smashed into a curb at high speed or otherwise blugeoned by heavy crash forces.

Derp. I meant:

A fine sentiment. The problem is, those Volks are that specific shape for a reason. They are forged and can therefore be made with far thinner, more delicate spokes while still being plenty strong. A cast wheel doesn’t have anything like the same strength-to-weight ratio and therefore has no business being produced

They may be ok with losing vaccines, but just try taking away their smart-phones, TVs, and facebook accounts.

If I did %10 of what Spencer has done, my mother would shout me down at every available opportunity. She would put her life on hold to counter-protest any statement I made. Every media outlet that covered me would get dozens of phone calls and emails from her and everyone she knows saying how incredibly ashamed of me

That is definitely the case every time. Tom always has the best picks on these articles. Granted, he helps match people with their ideal cars for a living, so he might just have a pre-existing advantage here.

That professionalism is what makes his picks so good. This week especially, you can see that everyone but Tom

“Give me a GTA game where I can access every car with the flick of a few buttons and have it teleport in front of me.”

I know, it’s crazy!

Granted, the rest of the developed world being a smoking crater didn’t hurt.

The part I love most about your last statement is there was one, and only one, good thing about 1950's government policy that they would never, ever agree to go back to.

The tax brackets:

“Acceptance is pretty cool and in style.”

Yes, because I’m the one spouting off economic opinions without citing any data to support it. Here’s a more detailed breakdown for you, since you scholarly types love information so much:

“The conveyor belt to upward mobility” was failing during the Reagan era. Look again:

The reality is there are very few humans in the work zone, and each one is ridiculously experienced and well-trained. Sweden may be a progressive, safety-conscious country, but it is also a place that puts a lot of emphasis on personal accountability.

If only Steve Jobs were still alive. I don’t really have much respect for the guy (he killed himself with fruit for god’s sake), but I have no doubt he wouldn’t have held back anything negative he had to say to Drumpf.