Your article just proves one of the main progressive talking-points of today:
Your article just proves one of the main progressive talking-points of today:
Hits the “forgotten” mark for sure. Nobody remembers these things were built. I’d take the extra money and upgrade the engine to CSL spec to go along with the brakes and suspension.
Ditch the ugly wheels then spend the rest of the budget on headers and custom exhaust:
“Better education” doesn’t mean “more of the same ineffective education.”
“I really do not see a way out of the mess we are in when it comes to false paranoid ideas spreading on the Internet.”
Romney will refuse the appointment, guaranteed. Mittens is a straight shooter compared to these clowns. He won’t want to gum up his shoes with all the dogshit he’d be required to walk through in order to work with them.
Scrolled down to the comments for this exact video. Was not disappointed.
+1, he’ll pull a Trump and write the losses off on the taxes that he and other similarly rich people already underpay to a ludicrous degree.
Make $90,000 a year? You pay %25 income tax on most of that. Make $90 million a year? You pay %15 income tax on most of that. What a great deal!
“I like for multicultiralism to occur naturally”
Nice job Michael. It’s a good thing you needlessly jumped to conclusions under an inflammatory headline, thus sealing our dooms in this shitstorm of an election. Well done buddy! So tell me, how does it feel to be personally responsible for the decreased quality of life for so many people?
How about the open sexism?
Gizmodo deserves every nightmare-scenario form of oppression that could conceivably emerge from a Trump presidency.
That’s exactly what will happen. Once a certain threshold of warming is reached, permafrost in Russia and Canada will start thawing, releasing untold quantities of previously frozen methane into the atmosphere.
If what you say is true, then why was the emergency ban on Kratom recently defeated thanks to the grass-roots effort of passionate, organized individuals who had no backing from powerful commercial interests in any way?
Rape isn’t sex, it’s sexual assault; end of story.
Your hometown is one thing, but how about Glacier National park?
Lazy dogs unite!
“I’m still in shock ANY of these assholes are forming a government while we are all looking on helplessly.”
I’m just gonna leave this here.
Because the laws are inherently misogynistic. They are transparently written to punish women for having sex and spreading disenfranchisement among the poor.