
He was just bored and looking for a plaything when his homie Klytus came through.

Instead of offering insults, offer discussion. If you believe otherwise, tell us why, or don't say anything. As it is, you're contributing nothing.

The death of video games.

I am decidedly underwhelmed by almost every cell phone game I've ever downloaded. I've played Crossy Road, for maybe a couple of sessions, and subsequently found it so insufferably boring and shallow. This is a common theme I experience with most freebie cell phone games.

Yeah, unless Harper is reelected (Chtulhu saves us!) this is going to change come 2016 - the Liberals want to legalize it, and NDP will probably do the same. Once that is done, it'll be left to each province to decide how to manage it (so the de-legalization will probably have a 6-month or 1-year delay so the

I agree. Every time there's an episode about Cybermen, I just want to skip it.

I don't get cybermen, they've got all the ingredients for something terrifying, but every story about them ends in a crappy "love wins over all" schtick which really is just the laziest of writing by this point.

"Adam Sandler's movies are always great." That alone should get him put on a watch list.

He'd do videos complaining that critics were not in connection with the public because "Adam Sandler's movies are always great, and critics hate them".

There would be nothing worse than setting a game in France and using Quebecois voice talent. That would be like setting a game in Britain and using Southerners as voice talent.

Oh my god! WHAT'S ON HIS HEAD?!

That's because Warcraft and Starcraft aren't strategy games, they're action games. No strategy involved, just find a broken build route and do it over and over again. Starcraft is pretty much good as a mouse test program and little else.

"We're not the Judean People's Front! We're the People's Front of Judea!"

are you serious? The author got all snarky about the same thing... and then proceeded to absolutely mangle the English language! He even managed to misspell the two letter initials for the supposed offender of poor writing, "ub"? it's "ud"... if you're too lazy and stupid to type, "urban dictionary"!!!!

My personal favorite from the annals of "things that have definitely never happened, but people made up and put on Urban Dictionary" is the John Wilkes Booth. It's not gross per se, but I like it because of how specific it is. First, you need to have knowledge of what the Abraham Lincoln is:

Now playing

In other news, I found this today and will now ruin the spoooOOOoooOOOky atmosphere of this discussion thread by sharing it.

Yeah I know, that's why I'm saying it lol

I don't know, my version of microwaving pepperoni slices until they're crispy looks a lot tastier. Spread them out in a single layer over a paper towel and nuke for about 1 minute. Put in mouth. Not for the weak hearted.

They should have F-Zero ships in there instead imo