
Is it just me, or does the slo-mo in this video bring up traumatic memories of full screen on a 386-16mhz?

I think we're highly overdue for a sequel to London 1969.

I didn't really believe someone actually behaved like this.

Hope: "We were never going to put a pulse rifle in this game."

Guys, it's quite obviously olive green. Seriously.

I always thought that was the Boston version

These thieves are obvious amateurs that will never be able to go pro.

"Ikea Knows All About Your City's Weird Sex Habits and Toilet Time"

Maybe he could use the voucher to buy tickets to a Springsteen concert or something.

0/10 : Will not feed

Close, but I think Birdemic takes the cake.

No, what we envision is that they actually pay their taxes, not break the laws governing their employees, and stop thinking that they can survive when everything finally collapses.

"Captain's Log, Star Date 41000-and-change. Thought just occurred to me. We have spaceships that have some kind of magical doohickey that can provide a constant 1G internal gravity and compensate for acceleration of the order of, I don't know, tens or hundreds of Gs. Yet apparently none of the geniuses at Starfleet

Why why why don't people hold their phone sideways?!?!?!?!

Starred for Bose-Einstein condensate.

For a second I thought I read that while jumping out a plane you had strapon sex with girl in a coffin. That would be incredibly impressive just from a logistics perspective.

Ok- not even graphic or nothin': the Boy Heathen and I went to an outdoor Halloween costume party in a couples costume. Priest and Catholic schoolgirl( don't judge me! I was young and it was sexxay).

The Fiancé and I made a road trip from Austin to San Diego back in '09 when we'd just started dating, toting along a roadside attractions guidebook that had to be at least 10 years old. Whilst traveling through Arizona, I saw a throwaway line about a space-themed hotel in Gila Bend. Having no reason to reject the

What you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy