
I've been playing KSP since it was free, thanks. Do us all a favor and stop trying to cold-read people over the internet.

Contracts are an unfinished mess right now, with impossible objectives and descriptions that read like bad spam emails, and offer far too much cash for far too little effort. Meanwhile, they haven't touched biomes, making science only playable within the Kerbin system, they have yet to rework the painful aerodynamics

Sure is a shame the devs won't finish actual features.

Monsanto had nothing to do with Zyklon B. At all. That was produced by IG Farben, an interwar German chemical conglomerate (part of which went on to become Bayer.) Furthermore, I hope you're not insinuating that they were the developers of (they didn't,) or the only producers of (they weren't,) Agent Orange (in fact,


Sure is a shame Squad doesn't listen to it's playerbase, and sucks at implementing features. Almost everything added in this update was done by somebody else as a mod, and was done better. And those mods were more feature-complete, as well. And those mods were also completed in a fraction of a time.

Yeah. Like fly spacecraft that *didn't* kill our interplanetary capability.

Yes and no. The Grass Sword had one key defect that could get in the way - it was tied deeply to Finn's moods, and could lose effectiveness easily. And, with Finn having a propensity to feel down on occasion, that could quickly become a huge impediment. That's not so say that his fighting ability might not have been

Nope, they're pretty widespread, even in overwhelmingly Anglo regions.

However, I'd say that calling it a Model Airplane kit would make more sense as a title. It's like calling a plastic water bottle an Aquafina bottle.

I dunno. A sword made from the blood of a Demon *is* pretty groovy.

Your argument makes literally no sense. This is like arguing that since Mike Henry has, in the past, voiced both a black man and a Hispanic woman, it's perfectly appropriate for him to dress up in the most stereotyped "gang banger" costume they could find for him and have him act like a stereotypical "gangsta" in a

Meanwhile on any device connected to and browsing the internet: Here's some advertisements for you.

Into which many of the above-noted titles fall (Burntime, Lost Patrol, UnReal World, and Wolf, for example.) The truth is, hardcore survival games are a well-established genre. It's only recently, however, that the technology and design knowledge has advanced to a point where such a game is feasible for the larger

Selection of Finished Survival games (that I've played myself):
The Oregon Trail (1974)
Wasteland (1988)
Mad Max (1990)
UnReal World (1992)
Lost Patrol (1990)
Burntime (1993)
Wolf (1994)
Robinson's Reqium (1994)
Deus (1996)
Tail of the Sun (1997)
Deep Fear (1998)
Stranded (2003)
Dead Rising (2006)
Dead Island (2011)

I'd hardly say

With the TPP he's trying to secretly push through, good luck with that.

I never found X5 to be all that much score-based. If you're referring to the way that bosses leveled up, then sure. But I don't really remember any actual score mechanics coming into the game - especially not the way Mighty No. 9 seems to be doing it.

Rebuilding the F-1 isn't that easy. Many of the design specification have been, if not lost, rendered useless to us. Some require parts that we just don't have the capacity to make at the moment, and would require the creation of brand new industry to fulfill. Other documentation is stored in digital formats that we

No problem :)

Well, clearly Zin-bama had nothing to do with that. He doesn't have any "Super Storm" buttons.

I actually had a rather heated discussion on the matter with a friend of mine while we were watching the movie. We both decided it meant that the device could trigger separate storms in the Atlantic and the Pacific.