
Before he does that, I get the sneaking suspicion that Obama will like to play with things for a while. Y'know, before annihilation.

>Uses psychics as evidence

Not sure if sarcasm or stupid.

Jessi and James are supposed to be between 16-20 years old.

Of course, they also get married in the Manga, and have a kid.

I, for one, would be amused to see how a lapdance to "Unrest in the House of Light" would work. At all.

Actually, robots would explain the 'rotating buttocks.'

Nope. It was a legit movie. It's a pretty good look at how the military would handle an alien invasion.
If you're a fan of stuff like X-Com, watch it. Otherwise, stay away.

much wrestle

I do agree that at times it was a little too focused on style over substance, but I never felt it was that much of an issue - I personally felt it fit quite well with the artistic direction the series was aiming for.

For example, I felt the over-embellishment of Spike's character was really a way of indicating how

I found it was quite well integrated, with each character representing a particular philosophy, and the interplay between each other and the world serving it's purpose very well. I didn't find it pretentious at all. How did your friend see it as pretentious?

How was the end terrible? It's widely considered one of the best conclusions to an anime, especially if you understand the philosophical points the series was trying to make.

Or are you one of those sorts who dislikes it *because* of the usage of philosophy in the plot?