
Reading Murakami ALWAYS makes me hungry for Japanese food.


Sorry, but Spice World is an A+ film. Take a drink every time you see platform shoes, and oh boy.

We all know the greatest show of all time is Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

Also if there's not a 24 hour shop selling Ginsters pasties near where you live then you have made terrible life choices I am sorry.

Oh yeah, definitely long overdue! A former housemate was an early adopter and used to badger me to get on it literally from the first episode of the first season being aired and I sort of ignored him just to spite him, then it got HUGE and the hype was too big for me to feel like I could go into it and enjoy it on my

I mean, it does border on funny. Though I think Aidan Pierce from Watch Dogs nails that better. GRAAR I JUST WANT MA KIDS BACK WHAT HAVE I DOOOONE. There's the great bit where you can go to the cemetery and a context-sensitive action pops up saying "Press X to remember" and it just replays the opening cutscene where

As a vegetarian, their cheese and onion slice is often one of my only options and I'm ok with that.

I dunno what it means either. Clearly my attempts to ponder on that point haven't been all that clear or well-thought out! It's literally just A Thing I Have Noticed.

Nah she's alright. It's all just payback for when I do exaggerated cockney accents while she watched Eastenders.

Thanks! That's literally my only point here. Probably shouldn't have gone any further than that really.

My point literally was that whenever I've seen someone make that argument it's been a right-leaning person criticising a celebrity saying something left-leaning. I've literally never seen it happen the other way round. That was my only point. Admittedly when people have disagreed I've probably diluted that point by

Tripped over a curb in a neglected suburb of Leeds. Moderately drunk, nowhere near drunk enough to be falling over. I blame a cracked pavement and being distracted by looking at my phone. Booo. Though the couple of weeks off work meant I finally caught up with Breaking Bad.

Yeah, don't disagree with you. My point is though that the left will say "if you're a man, you shouldn't have an opinion on abortion" whereas the right will say "if you're a musician, even if you're a female musician, you shouldn't have an opinion about abortion, stick to music". Idk. Just something I've noticed about

Every time a Goron shows up it's like "who's this rocky prick".

Don't underestimate the extent to which she can disparage the noble kingdom of Hyrule.

I dunno, my point is, find me a left-leaning voice who says "Ted Nugent needs to stick to music rather than politics!" They may try and shut down what he's saying, but the left seems to recognise that people can do both whereas the right doesn't?

I think you underestimate how bad I done borked up my whole arm there pal. Still plenty of soreness in the forearm, a sharp flicks of the wrist (which you do need for Skyward Sword) were hurting like ~heck~ when I gave up on playing it a month or so ago. I'll be able to go back to it soon!

Yeah, that's true. I never said the left don't protest.

"I like the piss aesthetic" is an odd phrase to come out with tbh.