Scuplted arms, toned thighs and visible abs is the new "normal"? Well shit. I gotta get to work. lol
Yes, she looks fit and lovely.
Scuplted arms, toned thighs and visible abs is the new "normal"? Well shit. I gotta get to work. lol
Yes, she looks fit and lovely.
She's stunning. If this is "normal" the rest up of us have a long way to go.
KEE-RIST. Not to be negative, because this girl looks amazing, but if that's a "normal body," I'm pretty sure 95% of women in America would love to be that kind of "normal." She's still fantastically thin/toned. She just happens to also have curves.
I can't believe Fig giving Caputo head didn't make this list. That was one of the top 3 most shocking moments for me.
Her pitiful, "What did I do?" was so sad. Poor girl, her only crime was looking like Vee from behind.
Everyone should watch this.
Vee is deader than dead. There was a shot of her completely lifeless face after the van hit her. Plus, there is just no way in hell someone could survive being hit that hard. I'm thinking her body would no longer be in one piece if that were to happen in real life.
Not just women either, but a real look at lesbian, bi, and trans women as well.
I think this show is fantastic if for no other reason than it really centers and focuses on women. So ridiculously few shows really *look* at women, especially if they're not helpless, hot, or clone-like blonde FBI agents.
well, they did point out the makeup was contraband. Red was smuggling it in via mafia, amd the girls were paying for it with commisary. Plus, being tv, they do glam it up a bit. I don't know if you were in a minimum security place - but yeah. The guards looked the other way, as it kept the girls more complacent, and…
Oh, Lorraine Toussaint absolutely OWNED Vee. She was alternately badass, sympathetic, scary, menacing, unpredictable and always watching out for Vee at every turn. I DID want her to be offed because she was a horrible person (would a redemption arc have worked for her? I don't think so, actually), but DAMN if that…
4- He was the comedy MVP in those first few scenes. Just dead shark eyes, but obviously dressed his daughter in her fanciest matching ensemble to go see mommy in prison.
Okay I have never seen this show but as someone who has spent time in jail, I have a few gripes: What's with the makeup?? There is NO MAKEUP in jail/prison. People use pencils and stuff for eyeliner but I've never seen any lipstick substitutes. Also, what's with the styled, pretty hair?? In the center picture at the…
Alex and Piper need to get the FUCK AWAY FROM EACH OTHER. Seriously, I don't understand why everyone loves them together. They destroy each other every time they try to have a relationship. Love is great and all, but not when that love ends up burning down the damn house.
I think that could be the case, but I think Piper had her own selfish reasons too.
It seems like Piper was trying to protect her by sending her back to prison, no?
Re: #5 - I could have sworn Pennsatucky was saying "turtle taint", which i still say is a million times better insult.