Sarah J

Did you just Godwin in here? Goddamnit, I just had the carpets cleaned.

it's the champagne of venereal diseases.

you forgot Hitler.

Is it possible women are more likely to notice, take seriously, and report side effects?

The solution is for women to man up. We can close the gap that way. If women walk off their dizziness like men do, they won't gtplghsingae...sorry about that. Side effects from my concussion. What was I saying?

From imgur.

Well I know that personally in the temperate environment of San Antonio, walking down the Riverwalk in a parka at the end of spring/start of summer is perfectly normal and expected.

It's great that your child's skin tone and exposure to the outdoors are such that those methods work for him. Not everyone is as lucky, and slanty red streaks on your chin, neck, and hands can contribute to skin cancer the same way an all over burn will.

This is why I think schools should also ban Elmer's Glue. And milk. And water. Can you imagine what bullies might do if they had access to water? Make you drink it til you threw up, put it on your clothes to imply you peed your pants, etc.

Someone please think of the children!

You could also do that with glue, a common classroom supply. Given that this is a health and safety necessity for some children, can't we train the teachers to watch for and report bullying (which kids will do regardless of the materials available)?

I live in Italy and I never realized that spaghetti straps were "inappropriate" or "sexy" until I read it on the Internet a few years ago. For me, they were just what every little girl/girl/young woman wore every summer.

What's wrong with uniforms is that when students are free to choose what they wear, they can choose things that flatter them. Uniforms look cute or at least good on some people, and terrible on others (generally anyone apple or pear shaped or who looks frumpy, thick-waisted or uni-booby in tucked in collared blouses,

Oh, please. Tattoos are not inappropriate.

Probably 90% of school students in Australia wear a uniform for their entire primary and secondary schooling (some even pre-K), and I never saw or experienced one where this theory held up. You knew which kids had money and which kids had bought their uniform second-hand. There were still cool and uncool ways to wear

Actually, I believe this was covered by Jez the other day- the tattoo said "I am enough the way I am," which frankly is an attitude I wish more teen girls could buy into, and makes the school's decision to cover it up somewhat ironic.

I don't really mind uniforms, but I have to say that from my own experience of wearing them (from the age of 5 right through to 18) a lot of their virtues are somewhat exaggerated. Kids are really, really good at finding indicators of economic status so unless you also have uniform shoes and bags etc. they'll still

The tank top thing is stupid since boys tend to do that thing where they cut not only the sleeves off their shirts but 90% of the sides, too. At least I can't see a girl in spaghetti straps' nipples if she turns to the side.

Children's lives are in many (most) ways circumscribed by adults. In most cases this is for a good reason, i.e. they're not responsible enough to make all their own decisions yet. However to me, that makes it even more important that we allow them to make those decisions that won't deeply threaten their well being if

My grandmother would never say anything openly critical about my clothing. But if she though my skirt was too short, she would always say "be careful you don't step on your skirt."