Merlin the Tuna

Can I just remind everyone that there were 8 years between FFX and Dragon Age: Origins? They had that much time to gauge the reaction to Lulu's design, and they decided it was a good idea to copy it almost exactly, but with smaller breasts and a shorter skirt. Nailed it.

For some reason, my first reaction to it was less "chibi" and more "DK Mode," which made it go down a lot easier. Thanks, Goldeneye!

I find it amazing that for the first time ever (maybe?) you have a tv show based on a book that will finish telling the story of that book before the author of the book has a chance to.

Chaos is hands-down my favorite Fantasy Flight game. It still suffers a bit from it's most Fantasy-Flight-y bits (a few too many kinds of chits, elaborate rules with an instruction manual that's not quite up to the task) but it does its asymmetry really well and moves along briskly once you iron out the kinks in the

Keyboard Geniuses is actually kind of the perfect place for a weekly Self Promotion Thread. Hooray for keyboards!

ROT13 is a brilliant low-tech spoiler shield. Very nice.

That ease of use makes me wonder if SNES classics are going to stick around longer than what came before and after. Its emulation is stable, has low performance demands, and is easily downloadable. Even just advancing to the Playstation era, you're looking at games that are literally 100x times the size, data wise,

Satellites are the typical approach, but it's actually possible to ignore them and rush the Alien Base instead. Haven't tried it personally, but I found it somewhat heartening to see that there are in fact multiple ways to play the game. Or the early game, at least. Here's a quick guide, courtesy of Google.

It's gotta be Smash Bros. I've spent a long time with Final Fantasy, for sure, but we lived and breathed 64 & Melee all through college. "Hey, that sounds like Smash Bros, can I join you guys?" is actually how I met a good chunk of my closest friends. I can honestly say that being not-terrible at it changed my life

I think Risk of Rain was generally the holdover for roguelike fans in that window of BOI:Rebirth being almost-but-not-yet released. Pretty sure it was well-received, though I personally haven't tried it out.

Yep. Everybody but Kazuki at least; gotta hold out hope of Double Assault activating for the old punch+shotgun combination.

Front Mission 3 for me this weekend. I would love to hear the designers of this one explain some of their decisions. It's so close to being a great mech game and a great turn based strategy, but a zig here and a zag there derail it a bit. TBS games are often probability driven, but this gets ridiculous at times. Most

Apologies in advance if this feels like putting words in your mouth, but I've done quite a bit of reading on Dishonored since it came up in the Gameological Steam Group Review, and the "good ending/bad ending" piece has started to bug me. Dishonored has a bunch of endings, but even if you exclude the minor variations

Emulator woes, man - I hear you. I'm trudging through Front Mission 3 now, with the A+ Certified Genius setup of using both an emulator, and a physical disc. A physical disc which I have had for something like a decade. And acquired used, from Gamestop, so it is basically scratched to hell. It's mostly playable, but

Papers, Please is the kind of game that you need to maintain your momentum on. It's fun, but also genuinely stressful and depressing - as soon as you pick up something else, you're likely to abandon PP forever.

I've formed a pretty strict system for myself; I only ever play one campaign-style game at a time and don't pick up another unless it's truly just a bad game to be abandoned. That helps keep me from sprawling my time across a swath of games, and also from going nuts every time there's a Steam sale. It's still got some

I love the idea that you're okay finding your way in a gigantic, directionless world, but totally derailed when forced to choose what is effectively the color of your socks.

Days late to the party and I'm still the first one to say Lavos? Whaaaaa?

Well we just beat Buy A Goddang Home, so it's a bit of a busy time. But in light of not having internet service yet, I'm pulling out Front Mission 3 from the archive to scratch my mecha and turn-based strategy itches.

If you're just trying to kill the Taurus Demon, don't even bother with the skeletons faffing about in the burg.