People: Corporations are evil for low wages. People: I will not pay more than $10 for quality everything.
People: Corporations are evil for low wages. People: I will not pay more than $10 for quality everything.
On the flip side we don’t have to actually interact with the poors when we shop on Amazon, unlike having to look a WalMart employee in the eye while checking out knowing that they’re probably on food stamps just to survive.
worth a watch, worth many, i love eric holder:
No because those are driven by the right kind of people, obviously
You’ve drawn an arbitrary line in the sand. A Model S is faster than a Hellcat, should those be banned too?
He probably merged in front of him instead behind him
“There must be more to the story. The teacher must have done something to deserve getting called nigger.”
These cops are definitely Red Sox and Patriots fans.
“Calling the police is the epitome of escalation, and calling the police on black people for noncrimes is a step away from asking for a tax-funded beatdown, if not an execution.”
I look forward to calling people “shinejobs.”
Riddick would have had much different movies if he’d been using these things instead of goggles...
(Pictures him carying around a contact caddy)
“The only thing that separates me from the animals is my need for solution.”
I’m sorry, but I can’t let this “he’s not a great QB” stuff stand. By every conceivable measure, Kap is grades out as a quality NFL starter and probably would be top 10-15 amongst most QBs.
Thoughts & Prayers go out to the sheriff’s budgets.
Buddy, these defendants are not going to turn out to be rich dirtbags. They’re going to be poor, probably poc, who have been screwed by an incompetent and underfunded public defender system.
A chubby guy who likes to stir up controversy with bombast, a dismissive attitude towards neighboring countries and seemingly fantastical accusations of unfairness is exactly the guy you’d expect to Make América Great Again.
Here’s mine.
Red calipers on a green car make my OCD itch fiercely.
“420 lb-ft.”
Fuck you, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, fuck your boss, fuck that wonky eye of yours, fuck your slewfoot daddy who cursed you with his face, fuck Ben Carson, fuck Mike Pence and Mother, fuck alla yall.
Just build the red one and nobody gets hurt.