A partial solution to the two senators problem would be expand congress to the constitutionally mandated 1 rep per 100,000 people. Congress would become packed with democrats from blue and liberal urban areas
A partial solution to the two senators problem would be expand congress to the constitutionally mandated 1 rep per 100,000 people. Congress would become packed with democrats from blue and liberal urban areas
yeah, i didn’t get that. there was no accounting from her about the fact that her lover is her nephew. self-centered bitch or bad writing?
Less common because of multi-plexes not enthusiasm. I remember waiting in line outside of my hometown theater to see many movies. This was at a time before people spent most of their leisure time at strip malls.
fascinating and horrifying because people go to movies? I saw The Phantom Menace on opening night at midnight. Now THAT was horrifying.
Johnasson was much prettier when she was younger for sure but she looks great in that picture and if she was standing in front of you you’d drool all over yourself and if she spoke to you you’d drop dead.
doesn’t “Hawwkeye is a rock star” count as a spoiler? it’s suggesting that he does something heroic, like saving the universe, killing Thanos, etc. it actually gives away the ending. Thanos is defeated, the snap is reversed, and it is all hawkeye’s doing. even if that remark does not count as a spoiler my view of the…
I didn’t so much hate it as was totally bored by it. the scenes between Pattinson and his teenaged daughter were engaging enough but overall the movie was boring and dumb.
that’s what happens in this movie
“black people don’t defend their neighborhoods and property”
Is Howard University a private campus? if so then people walking their dogs should keep to sidewalks, like they do when they walk down residential streets and don’t go into people’s yards. there must be parks where people can take their dogs.
people who know nothing about hockey shouldn't write about hockey. this was a very minor shove and shouldn't have been a penalty at all.
slow news day. she doesnt write about politics, which is the big story coming out of the Mueller report’s release. she must produce content. she’s a blogger. it’s required.
why? the environment’s problem is humans. human’s problem are other humans. humans will be the death of all life on the planet including that of humans. there are 4 or 5 billion too many humans on Earth. humans are the problem.
Thanos doesn’t succeed. yes he snaps his fingers and half of all life in the universe dies, including many, but not enough, Avengers, but with Tom Holland and Chad Boseman having contracts beyond Infinity War we already know that somehow they will be brought back to life.
this person didnt give specifics about this happening, like how often (if ever) it happened, how people reacted exactly. most people understand how package delivery works so seeing someone put a package onto their neighbor’s porch wouldnt cause them to grab a gun and start shooting.
at the right restaurant the money can be good. better if you drive a newer car that gets good gas mileage lowering your expenses. the trick is to save some of it because it’s mostly cash and it can be easy to spend cash that’s in your pocket.
so you are in a position to lose 10% of your income so complete strangers, people who do not work or pay taxes can get free shit? must be nice to be you. is that your priviledge speaking?
I got half way through the first account and wow dude, either stop complaining or stop driving for Amazon. if you know the conditions and the risks and don’t like them stop doing it.
There’s a book called The World Without Us. It posits what would happen if the human species disappeared all at once. The recovery of the environment begins almost immediately. Plant and animal life thrive. Issues about nuclear power plants, etc, are examined too. The effects aren’t as bad as one would think,
Barr blocked Mueller from doing so. Mueller wanted to, Barr said no, they argued over it, and Barr ordered Mueller to wrap it up. the decision by Barr to not indict trump for obstruction is what lead to Mueller essentially being fired. the investigation would still be going if not for that.