
All drone strikes have to be approved by the president. he could have said no to any one of them. He also could have told the generals to take a hike if they didn’t like what he wanted to do. he could have ordered arm sales to the Saudis to end. ordered troops out of Iraq. not ordered the take down of the syrian and

what happened to the giant hole in his chest after Thor hit him with the axe?

soon realize that with half of all life destroyed, the universe is unsustainable and doomed to die within years”

I think you mean East Liberty. East Pittsburgh is a town SW of Pittsburgh.

America went from being a wild west style free-for-all to a police state. We’ve been living in a police state since the creation of national law enforcement agencies like the FBI and spy agencies like the CIA. The government and the corporations that control them having been doing whatever they’ve wanted for decades.

Even a 7.5 truancy rate seems high. In a school with 1000 students that’s 75 absent everyday. That is a lot.

And how would you go about ending chronic truancy? My high school had a truant officer who would go to kids homes, or wherever students liked to hang out when they skipped school, get the kids and bring them to school. The problem was students skipping, not the methods used to prevent or discourage it.

I think the formula you reference is harder to accomplish than you may think. you’re asking for something most writers and show runners can’t accomplish. 

when Lost aired i made it about seven or eight episodes into the first season before getting bored with the “Jack and Kate show.” i tried rewatching it on Netflix and couldn’t make it through the first episode. some really boring dumb tv this show is.

the sad and ironic thing is is that white people had their own versions of “fun” places back then until other white people (yuppies) ruined them. 

These places are popping up fuckin’ EVERYWHERE in the DMV, and I don’t know who the fuck is living in them.”

when a black family moves into an all or predominantly white neighborhood/town/suburb is it called colonizing? or is it called “a family moved into a new house”?

He does understand the difference. he’s pandering to his constituents. 

“ it’s hard not to detect some undertones of racism and classism there”

it’s not. that reply was meant for a different post. oops. 

Fury Road had a great opening and ending but got bogged down in the middle with a preponderance of plot.

I disagree with Breaking Bad being a god finale. The bad guys winning is not ever good.

make up or no make up she’s a smug bitch. 

in the eyes of other men we don’t. can you exactly what women are thinking all the time? i know women judge/grade men on our looks and how we present ourselves because i’ve been told many times by women. Men also comment on how other men present themselves, particularly if a man is not meeting a standard.

doesn’t make sense to do? do you women who don’t put on makeup before leaving the house? I don’t.