
Democrats that don’t like the way MConnell is running the Senate can only blame themselves for the weak pathetic way they governed when they had the majorities. 

People like Robert Downey Jr, not Iron Man.

Audiences couldn’t have been in by a cute cat and the buddy cop energy as they would have to already be in the theater watching the movie to discover either. I can’t imagine Larson herself is much of a draw but at least she is a household name.

“...inappropriate behavior that makes many women feel uncomfortable and unequal in the workplace.”

what else is there? our president is an agent of a hostile foreign power and nobody in a position to do so is doing anything about it. she needs to beat that drum until trump is removed from office

millions of people watch Fox News on a nightly basis. most of whom have never voted for anything other than a republican. if he wants to win he will need to convert some right wingers to do it

didn’t read this whole article. are you misinterpreting what Friedman wrote intentionally? he said that “they” feel swamped by immigrants. meaning, the British people he talked to. he didn’t say himself that Britain was swamped by immigrants.

What part will Winona Ryder play?

MW is a white woman. did you think Reynolds wouldn’t shit on her?

Wendy and Lucy

But if that’s the hill you want to die on”

didn’t read this article. the movie sucks. 

i don’t know. i think a mother is going to be concerned about her kids living on unharmed and not really worrying about her husband,. 

Or she is more concerned with them being taken than attacked that she is holding them in front of her where she can see and hold on to them better. 

But the women, and children, act like they have never met before. Very weird. Moss doesn’t know that Adelaide doesn’t drink? By this point the wives would have figured out a way to interact without the coldness and hostility.

The Whisperers migrate. They live like animals so migrate south like some animals do.

you don’t know the show is set in Alexandria, Virginia? They’ve been there since Season 5. 

They don’t need to consider that because their followers hate their daughters/sisters/mothers, etc They only like themselves. 

I watched the movie. It’s bad. My missing that or not it’s still bad. It also doesntbexplain her regression mentally or why she never tried to escape for thirty years. Us is a bad movie.

isn’t this the movie that glorifies destroying a teen girls self esteem and sense of self to make her date a loser that isnt good enough for her? i remember liking this when i first saw it but this is my takeaway from it now.