
If she was subbing, I suspect that she was told a lot of peculiar "names" by her students. Probably taken from the Simpsons (Bart calls Moe's bar), like Hugh Jass.

There are few words more joyful than "rocket punch".

Most high school orchestra performers aren't very good playing the violin. That doesn't make it unbelievable for a few 10-year old virtuosos to exist.

I was thinking along those lines too.
There are going to be dozens upon dozens of disappointed fans, who thought this was going to be Justice League Europe.

For all the people saying that all villain attacking a hero scenes are essentially the same, let me make up a fake scenario.

A woman a fifth of his size, who is not wearing any clothes.

How is it an overreaction?
I used a question mark, instead of multiple exclamation points!!!
I didn't feel that he "penalized" the series with the letter grade, but by the amount of the review spent talking about it.

The article writer seemed disappointed that the High Sparrow is doing better than Olenna. I don't think she is being outwitted; more like she is playing the wrong game. Olenna completely knew what to do with the homicidal power-hungry member of royalty. It is no surprise that she is having trouble dealing with a

The Stone of Atonement could lead to a new catch-phrase, to replace "the night is dark and full of terrors"…

That would set up the big fight everyone has been waiting for:
Captain Crunch vs. Count Chocula!

Maybe the heroes can ask Mephisto to alter reality to restore Cap, because everyone knows that deals with Mephisto always turn out well.

I remember reading comics when the rare team-up with another hero or a villain crossing-over from another title made the world seem like a bigger place, with new possibilities.

If by "one of the first" you mean 8 episodes into the season, and by "mano e mano" you mean she is with Wolverine, and by "up against" you mean like a bug against a car windshield, then… sure.

And Avalanche has a helmet.
Considering they didn't go to the Savage Land until much later in the series, this could have been an initial (and later rejected) design that was used for the credits.

Considering how often people complained about Jubilee, maybe the animator for the opening credits was suggesting a solution.

Maybe it is Brainchild (Savage Land)?

Yeah, this past Monday there was a X-Men trivia contest on HyperRPG (Twitch stream), and everyone forgot about Selene (with head nodding when the players were told the right answer).

Well… For X3, one part Rothman making it easy to want to leave, one part being offered director of Superman.

That's exactly it.
Through the first dozen X-Factor comics, they gave him body changing and super-strength (sorta like Terminator 2 would do). Then came the power enhancement of others (Horsemen), and eventually it became he could morph into any super power that he wanted.

Yeah, getting a piece of the answer right shouldn't give full credit.
Thats like saying that Nostradamus was completely accurate, because his very vague predictions could kind of be interpreted in a way that almost describes certain events.