
You are not listening to those people who say that the Bible accurately describes every scientific idea. When God says "let there be light", that is obviously a detailed description of quantum theory and the exothermic reaction of hydrogen fusion.

The problem is that most politicians get their scientific information from the media (unless they are using opinion articles and their "beliefs"), so cutting out the middle-man doesn't help. Unfortunately the news is an entertainment business, instead of a way to inform the public.

Didn't the movie Runaway (1984, with Tom Selleck) have the bad guy using robot drones?
(Edit: I may be thinking of guided "smart" bullets. A long time since I've seen this flick.)

I admire that they were willing to make the protagonist helpless at times, even though he was the best athlete. He was taking an injury TO in the semi-finals, and had to watch while his best friend is ambushed and crippled/executed. And in the finals, he was as good as dead very early in the game, until his

Yeah, a week after the convention, he went on the record to a California newspaper and confirmed he meant it.

In Chuck Yeager's autobiography, he talks about loving flying a precision-built aircraft and winning dogfights, but not the killing of the other pilot during warfare. I can see Cameron admiring a well crafted bit of engineering, without wanting it to be used in anger.

Thematically, after spending the entire movie cold, wet, and in the dark, they had to end with the crew safe and on the surface, with the sun shining.

Snake on a Plissken

It is too bad Eastwood meant it when he gave that deranged rant at the chair.

Most people forget that the first film ends with Harry tossing his badge into the bay. He felt he had to stop the killer, but he knew he went too far to get that done, that there would be repercussions for his actions.

For all the hero fighting in the Marvel comics (especially the Avengers, which Whedon remembered when he wrote the first movie), it used to feel more like a locker room brawl. Or better yet, a hockey fight: overly worked up alpha personalities venting their aggression, and then calmly skating to the penalty box.

I think a lot of the Cap-IM friendship came from Shooter's run on the Avengers (around #160 onwards), because I'm not sure they were buddy-buddy before then.

Kendra doesn’t realize that being a time traveler with a boyfriend that reincarnates means that there are other available Carters in the timestream, and she acts like this is her only opportunity to save the man she’s destined to love.

I was thinking of this film, but for a different reason.

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
I enjoyed the fight choreography and the storytelling, but what I remember are the landscapes. In particular, the scene where Chow Yun Fat and Michelle Yeoh are having a quiet dialogue, surrounded by the mountains and a lush, emerald bamboo forest.

"I want your badge right now, Callahan!"
(hands it over, gets nose-to-nose) "You know what, Lieutenant?"
"Your mouthwash ain't making it!" (drops mic, walks away)

They just told you he was working night shifts, to cover up the drinking.

Now I'm thinking about the Buffy season 3 opener. She acquires a hammer and a sickle during a fight, and the camera circles around to give her the Hero Pose. (It was bad-ass enough that it was added to the end of the opening credits for seasons 3-5.)

You mean it isn't the car chase where the cars magically repair themselves, because they took the same collision, filmed from multiple angles, and kept reusing it?

"You funny man, glorbes. I kill you last!"