
The first time I saw the Punisher was ASM #162 (from 1976), where Spidey, Pun, and Nightcrawler team-up to capture Jigsaw.

I forget which critic pointed it out (maybe Ebert?), but in The Enforcer there is a scene where the mayor is holding a big news conference. Eastwood is way in the back, not speaking or moving, but there is such an intensity in his glare and scowl that your eyes are drawn to him despite the mayor speeching in the

So this has Oplev directing, and they are talking to Dobrev.

Maybe they hired the God's Not Dead writers to demonstrate why having social programs in America is evil.

You mean, you didn't think Darth Vader was much more menacing after he took off the black skull-like helmet to reveal a pasty, pudgy older guy who doesn't sound like James Earl Jones?

Don't give them any ideas.

The kid wasn't too bad. It helped that he had chemistry with the guard character who wanted to kill him.

I was just watching The Mummy (1999), which I like a lot, even though it is not a great film. Lots of charm and wit for a "dumb" movie.

Fahrenheit 449: The Paper is Finally Smoldering a Bit Now

So when this is showing overseas, is it retitled Celsius 233?

Someone (maybe Jackson?) pointed out that, in the books, pretty much everyone (besides Boromir and Saruman) turns down the Ring easily. Gandalf and Galadriel *say* they would be corrupted, but they aren't very tempted. Neither are Aragorn or Faramir. And Tom Bombadil plays with the Ring like a toy.

The first few episodes of the season showed that they couldn't use subordinates. Too many of them poisoned by the (evil) culture of WR&H, or trying to gain more power for themselves. At the same time, Team Angel had to keep them around to keep things going. (The staff could be trusted for the small things, but not the

With the article mentioning Marsters' work in the DCAU, you should stretch the truth slightly.

I never thought about the fact that they didn't have money saved up for a big CGI battle finish, when the WB sprang the cancellation on them (shortly after the 100th episode celebration).

"I'm not a woman or a man…"

Just wait for the sequel.
Lifetime will combine with the Food Network to produce
Peaches Foster: A Woman's Scones Sconed.

What I remember from the second Species movie was the doctor testing samples of blood from the astronauts, to make sure they didn't pick up a Martian virus or space herpes. The dude sees a pool of blood start crawling around on its own, and decides he should try to touch it with his bare hand.

It probably wasn't wise to have him play juvenile delinquents in their 50's, especially since he was younger than 40 when he did EtD.

I'm not sure we could take Felicity off the (coroner's) table.

"It will be okay. Laurel will be coming back soon. She switched the labels on the drugs. She was given a knock-out instead of her normal medication."
"Ollie, uh… Laurel was so busy emoting earlier that she forgot to switch the labels."
(face palm) "LAUREL!"