
Well, considering how many people base their knowledge of science on the (non-documentary) movies and celebrity opinions, maybe this isn't too far from the truth.

We've seen that Reyes strength is bullying people, taking shortcuts, and applying political pressure.

This was a while back, but I had talked to an engineer who used to work for NASA. He pointed out that the computers on the shuttle were 10-20 years outdated. Those computers had to be rock-solid, with years of testing to know how they would react to the stress of take-off and exposure to radiation in orbit.

I thought the first one put a nice twist on the "buddy cop" formula.

Jackie Chan has mentioned that fights need to have changes in tempo, like music. His fights have bursts of speed that are dazzling, but also slows down to show the character reacting to fatigue and pain (and give the audience a chance to process the previous moment).

Which real-life American values do you mean?
The Cardassians are strongly authoritarian (blind obedience and duty to the state), which does fit in with a certain subset of Americans, but is also strongly opposed by another subset of Americans.

That's not what I meant.
If you want a Dabo girl drunk on mint juleps, you turn to McCoy.
If you want to see if a quart of scotch will get a Gorn plastered, you turn to Scotty.

TNG was slightly more nuanced than that.
To me, it seemed more like, this is a current golden time, but it came after a lot of crap on Earth and various conflicts with the Klingons, Romulans, Gorn, Sheliak, Cardassians, etc.

That's not true.
They had the historian along for the sleeper ship, and general info from that period. But once they knew they didn't have a generic 20th century man, they recognized the name of Khan.

Hmm… In the Abram's timeline, they needed old-TOS Spock to explain to them who Khan was, instead of them already knowing it.

Well, it wasn't just to spite Eddington. He had to placate the Cardassians, to make a big enough gesture (poison the planet in retaliation) that they wouldn't escalate the already volatile situation.

It is easier, in the sense that it require fewer skilled operators, less risk of personal death, and it is easier to make the order to push a button. Never claimed it was easy, for anyone with a conscience and empathy. (I'd guess there are people working to merge drones with the robot car-driving technology, so that

Shouldn't have been McCoy.
Everyone knows, when you want to get a child stinkin' drunk, you turn to Scotty.

We are a lot closer to this episode's reality than they were back in the 70's.

"The fact that we haven't found any evidence is just proof that he is hiding something!"

That sounds a lot like nu-Trek: Abrams was not a fan of Star Trek, could create interesting visuals, and the movies had good actors who had to slog through a nonsense plot with poor characterization.

God's Not Evil Dead 2

Yeah, that's how he gets from the roof down to the parking lot.

What's great is the whole fight keeps escalating the longer it goes on, building to a staff fight with multiple broomsticks… and THEN the ladder comes out.

I usually rewind the quiet scenes, like when he smoothly parkours 20 ft up a wall in 1 second, to try to figure out how the hell he did it.