
I really enjoy "Who am I", which has a more coherent plot than most of his movies.

I think you mean "red sports car crashing into a yacht (after it already left port)".

If the show was on the Discovery Channel, they could land during the clubbing of baby penguins in the Arctic circle, as alien crop circles were formed, and when the IBM PC 5150 was first used during the Civil War.

Hey man, we got yellow t-shirts with that slogan during high school as part of that campaign.

Maybe you'll have more luck thinking of MacLeod as being the freaked out Moriarty from "Kelly's Heroes". (With Donald Sutherland as another prison guard: "Why don't you knock it off with them negative waves?")

Conditional "yes" from me.

Now that you said it, all I can hear is the Peter Lorre voice coming out of Schreber.

Felt a bit sad for Schreber not getting more sympathy. The dude was being tortured with no relief in sight, was forced to knowingly scramble his own brain, but Bumstead and Murdoch treat him like a willing traitor. (They had their reasons to be distrustful, so this is purely in hindsight.)

It seems like the right voice for someone who had to mutilate his own brain. Would imagine that it was a struggle to get the speech center to work properly.

Yost credits Whedon with most of the movies dialogue and says most of the more ridiculous scenes only work because of the lines that (he) wrote.

The show had a lot of miracles (or at least, "bending the rules").
Angel should not have been able to enter Kate's apartment to save her.
Darla should not have gotten pregnant.

"Dear Penthouse…"

I can understand why you feel that way, but let me make two counter-arguments (for the sake of discussion).

I was going to say the same thing: convince Zach to see those episodes. While I didn't like Fred dying, Illyria's interactions with the other characters was definitely worth it. Completely unhinged Wesley choosing to stay around Illyria is an especially painful personal hell.

Completely different joke that wouldn't have worked in the original:
"Yes, your Honor, she HAS a dick."

Sarah McLachlan - The CD for "Fumbling Towards Ecstasy" had a piano version of "Possession" attached to the last song track, without it being listed on the liner.

I had a Classic Lit professor who referenced Gilgamesh and TNG, but it was before this ep came out.

"I'm going to leave you as you left me, as you left her…
Marooned for all eternity at the center of a courtroom…
Buried under endless legal paperwork… Buried alive… buried alive…"

I liked the DS9 reference too.
Alasdair and Zack together is like the AVClub version of the superhero crossover.

Ollie should not have lent her Harrison (season 1) Well's old wheelchair.