
So, Trump has permission to grab the genitals of any of the women you care about?

No, they’re one of those people who edits reality to hide how little compassion they have for women.

Hatred for equality of all types.

Racist jackasses who are completely and totally okay with sexual assault judging by Deadbeat’s comment above.

And we all know how werewolves feel about Donald Trump:

How long until we reach the asthenosphere?

I’ve been hooked on r/nosleep lately, there are some pretty unnerving stories to be found over there.

Anticipation and suspense is usually what gets me the most. If I dig a horror movie, it’s because it had me on the edge of my seat in a state of confusion.

I like horror to a certain degree, I can’t do torture porn or slasher flicks but can deal with the supernatural. It’s okay to have limits or boundaries, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

OH sure, you’ll respond to the party pooper, but you won’t ungrey me? Is it because hippos are violent jerkbags?

See, I had a habit of sucking on marbles or trying to stick them up my nose for the comedic value. Suffice it to say, we also did not get to have Hungry Hungry Hippos.

The world needs more hippo love!!

If she took it out of the box, she deserves what she gets.

Hello fellow hippo!!

A life without books is joyless, I’ll have no part of it.

He will be the chillest Grandpa ever.

That child has exactly zero joy on his face in every picture I see of him.

Mad because he hasn’t beaten Bush Jr.’s vacation record?