
Is AP Bio any good? Watched the first episode and seemed pretty crap tbh. Granted, I was coming down the Vice Principals high, so that may have made it harder to work.

lol savage.

Most of the “Revenge of the Nerds” hijinks were actually rape.

Yeah I want an explanation on the minotaur too, dammit.

So glad i never read the credits. I just zone out until the thing begins.

You mean like “bro” or “mate”, right? I understood it that way.

Yaaay, I love you JB. I can now stop being depressed about The Expanse and go back to being depressed about all the other aspects of my life.

I agree, and he seems a geniunely nice guy all around, if you watch some of his interviews he’s nothing like his most famous character, always giving thoughtful and earnest answers. Watching “Goon” completely changed my impression on the man.

I’m really, reallly sad right now. I mean, I’m sad most of the time, but watching Expanse gives me a great sense of joy. F-you scifi.

I just can’t get over how fucking brilliant this is. Every week I’m blown away.

D’oh! I really dun goofed, with a name like that, lol

That Marcus-demon was excelent. Like, holy shit, serious congrats for pulling it off. Nightmarish stuff.

I hope this means the gang will move out and thus Jian-Yang will no longer be part of the picture. An utterly useless character that I find completely unfun and not worth the screentime.

Honestly, it’s dumb not to mention that, they were both terrific in Rome. I mean, I don’t even remember they were in GOT. I just assumed it, since they’re british and acting currently.

WTF that was amazing lol. Also I have a crush on Lili Mirojnick now.

Yes, and the conditions of the environment of the simulation are abusive, that’s what I’m saying. It’s practically “1984" for dating. A systemic abuse instead of an individual, turns-you-into-a-giant-bug, abuse.

That’s meaningless. I mean, the “real” users consent, but as soon as a sentient copy is made, he/she has a consciousness of his/her own, so the consent given by the originator of the sim is irrelevant. The sim is being subject to literal mental torture to check for hookups. Maybe not “having a child airlocked”-type

By making them forcefully be in relationships with people they literally can’t stand? Being in a police state where going against “the system” is punished by grunts with tasers? I mean, that’s pretty abusive in my book.

Maybe the “real” users, but the sims are completely separated entities who can’t even be sure they’re not real... until the very end of their existence when they’re melded back into the matching algorithm. So it’s even worse!

So why is it fun and correct to abuse simulations in this one, but not in Callister?