
Whoa. What bizarro land are we in that Florida is somehow leading with a sensible policy?

That reminds me of Timothy Olyphant’s recounting of having some of Willie Nelson’s supply. He had to write his name and hotel number on his skin for when he came to.

I remember back in the ‘90s when US was a monthly celebrity interview glossy. Preteen me actually looked forward to reading its profiles back then.

To me, she was never a cool girl, but she was probably a “Cool Girl” (as in Gone Girl) all along.

I’m now nostalgic that I used to catch Jeopardy! on the elliptical at my gym. Those were halcyon days.

So true. Usually, people spend a couple years at Sachs et al, and leave either for grad school or to do something where they can live with themselves. Even then, I look at these reformed individuals as deeply suspect...

She’s a grunge-to-glam rocker with a whole album about how she really loves Japan,

Similar to the contemporary Christian music scene, it just seems like where performers go when they can’t make it in the rock/pop/alternative scene.

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Same. And by extension, Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer.

Reminder that a library card is a useful and valuable item to have at all times.

It’s not my complaint, mate. It’s the twat quoted in the article’s whingeing.

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Yes, but then we wouldn’t have this supercut of Ross saying “Juice”.

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Honestly, I’d rather see a full-length adaptation of this:

In a nutshell, mad at her for not “complying”.

Good on them for moving toward financial independence so quickly. But, as we all know, the chattering classes and professional whingers racists are always going to find some way to gripe and find fault in what the Sussexes do—or don’t do.
From and article on this news in The Guardian:

I think a fair number of us preferred Monica then and still do now.

Much of North America (US and Canada) has clearly cribbed English and British place names (ditto Australia).

May I just take a moment to ruminate on how many formidable, people-centered politicians the Greater Boston area has representing it right now? Warren (for all of MA, too), Pressley, and DA Rachael Rollins. It’s impressive and inspiring. Keep it up, MA!

One also thinks the work of being governor is too much for him and he’d rather coast as a career senator--and he feels entitled to it because Teddy had the seat.