
Yes. I feel like Western MA is more vast than people want to acknowledge.

I know people who hate-read it out loud over brunch.

OMG I had a top like that akid.

Because gaining weight during a stressful time would be understandable and humanizing, I think we can safely rule that out.

what would happen if every Jared ever and every 28-year-old MBA ever were melted down, poured into a cauldron, mixed together, and dripped into a six-foot mold of a rabbit’s penis.

Precisely. He was already vastly accomplished, but the heart aches to think of what could have been. He clearly had so much more to give and I don’t doubt he would have been collecting Oscars, Golden Globes, and SAG Awards for much of his future career.

Yes. The only Trump who is part of The Resistance” now is Mary.

¯\_(ツ)_/¯   Honestly, I don’t often make it fully through this writer’s posts anymore.

When Sarkozy was still in office, he and Carla Bruni visited Madrid, and there are numerous photos of the two glamorous couples. Note the heel height difference here, with Bruni doing the opposite of Letizia (given Sarkozy is a bit shorter):

Aw, poor Sofia. A leg injury and crutch on top of everything else.

Honestly, I didn’t care enough about Di’s height to look it up (just noted Watts’s height because this article is focused on Debicki’s). I just think that many forget how soft-spoken and often meek Diana was compared to her glam image, which Debicki can undoubtedly do well. 

I blame HiddleSwift happening around the same time.

She’s certainly a more fitting choice than Naomi Watts (5'5", also Australian).

Nice how the cutting board somewhat mimics the stripes in the filling.

At first I read the quote as “lily white ass” and thought that worked just as well.

Perhaps Emma Stone’s role in Aloha was written with this lady in mind.

Clicked through just to read AOC’s clapback. Was not disappointed.

Here are some pics, in case anyone was wondering. (Btw,after Googling “BJ Star” on a work computer, I’m almost certain to qualify for extra IT monitoring.)

I think AOC should set her sights on Chuck Schumer’s Senate seat first. But then I’m a New Yorker who selfishly wants her to continue representing us.

Um—yes, please!