
But, in keeping with her music, the title ensures you’re aware it fits firmly in with her whole schtick of women being retro/trad submissive and doing everything for the men in their lives.

What I really want to know: is it better or worse than Jewel’s book of poetry?


And, it must always be said, Garden State was overrated shit. Scrubs is the best he’s going to do, and that was mainly so successful because of the strong ensemble cast. JD was the least interesting part of the show.

Correction: that was based on the Italian film L’ultimo Baccio, so he should claim minimal credit for working on a dumbed-down, Americanized bastardization of the original.

Apparently, Daveed Diggs worked at Pier 1 as a student and hated it. My first thought when I heard they’re closing their stores was his voice during an interview saying “Seriously, fuck that place.”

I’ll always associate papasan chairs with living in a college apartment. Somehow several of us get wiser about what is actually comfortable to sit in and what takes up too much space in a starter place--and the papasans have to go.

Actually, I sort of feel as though there would be less rigorous searching for Michele.

She’s onto something. I’ve seriously considered buying a couple of fun wigs in different hair colors just for Zoom calls, thereby eliminating yet another time-consuming morning ritual in this age of the non-commute. But feeling free and cool the rest of the summer is particularly good.

Well, it is ultimately small potatoes, but at least she’ll also have criminal record. But I’d also love to see her get a few hundred hours’ worth of community service, picking up litter in some area of Central Park where people flout the leash laws, and so she’s constantly bothered by meandering dogs. Maybe then


Hey, you leave Yanni out of this. He may be a snooze fest whose albums bring me back to visiting Grandma’s house, but I’m sure he’s nowhere close to evil incarnate like Milo.

But also:

Most likely as a self-funded independent?

But of course.

Woo hoo. Wield it wisely.

You’re so welcome. You are seen and your thoughts are valued here. 

I used to eat this combo rolled up and briefly microwaved when I was a penniless student, so I won’t knock it despite the associations I have with it. I’d also occasionally try spreading butter and sprinkling cinnamon sugar on the tortilla, microwaving it until it was soft and the cinnamony butter was melty, then

Easy now. That’s some racy material there.