
I hear you—and no need to apologize for articulating some very real frustration. It’s often unsatisfying how our general response to pressing problems is to “start a dialogue” about having a conversation—endless thinking about it and zero concrete actions that make a difference.
One movement with broad support is The

Oh, that sounds heavenly. Without doubt, I’d find a way to Tim Tam slam that croissant.

I’m not even a fan of doughnuts, but I’m licking my chops at that photo and dreaming of a tea service. If your friend’s bakery by chance decides to make Tim-Tam inspired confections, I’ll find a way to eat them, despite this quarantine.

Half of me wonders if they’re both learning a hard lesson that snorting from a shared coke supply can also transmit COVID-19.

I feel your pain, but I also feel the ire should be directed at our appalling lack of federal leadership as well as the fact that the current UI setup doesn’t adequately provide survival compensation for workers who are unable to report to their jobs during stay-at-home orders. We, as a society, should be agitating

I hear you on that, but part of the difficulty may be that it sounds like you’re looking for fulfilling friendships primarily with your co-workers. That’s of course possible for many people, but there’s something to be said for keeping a healthy professional distance from your co-workers in your social life.
I’ve had

Your hair looks fabulous.
And, yep, Orange Julius was right: ‘We’re going to win so much, you’re going to be so sick and tired of winning’.
I’m so sick and tired of it.

Mmmmm. I want those raspberries.

Aw, my heart breaks for a returned kitty. I’m hopeful that Carol Channing and Rodney Dangerfield are mutually beneficial roommates, simply by their names. One demands your attention; the other gets no respect.

No doubt, she thought their union might move the arrow of progress forward in the UK,

It’s good to know Vanilla and the venue owner finally decided to stop, collaborate, and listen.

Just play their videos in your living room and skip them a few times. Same thing, basically.

I’d completely forgotten he did the TMNT 2 theme song.

I also think about the bussers who have to take the half-eaten plates and flatware back to the carts and scrape everything clean. Yes, they’ll be wearing gloves, but they’re ferrying surfaces full of saliva and probably transferring it via the gloves. I don’t miss my student job, and I’m saddened by how much risk food

Especially now that many states have relaxed laws on alcohol delivery, why go to a bar and spend the night dodging idiots? It’s not like you’re going to pick up and go home with any of them.

It’s been so sad to witness how quickly the likes of Newsom and Garcetti, who were riding a wave of good will with their early response, have just shot themselves in the foot and quickly reminded everyone why we generally have an aversion to them under normal circumstances.

Yeah, that asshole as well. I’ve also seen a few jokes about Musk pushing to reopen Tesla’s plant so that he doesn’t have to stay home and raise his child.

The worst part is, CA was a leader in taking precautions so as not to overwhelm the healthcare system. And then they chucked it down the drain because somehow leadership forgot that too many Californians are navel-gazing individualists who actually need to be repeatedly told no to act sensibly.

Thank you so much for linking that. It’s like K-12 courses are merely the intro level of learning a language. We then go on to spend years learning about irregular verbs, idioms, and basically unlearning some of the simple things so that we can avoid sounding like a 5-year-old when we have discussions.
So much