Virginia Dentata

I would never pay that much for nail polish but, damn, those are some fucking rad bottles.

Oy! That gave me the chills. They say toddlers bounce, and it has to be the truth because they are basically suicide machines.

I love cottage cheese. Give me a tub, a spoon and a shaker of ground black pepper.

My cat just learned how to open doors so I'm basically a duchess, right?

Yes, because a site that has more than 1 billion unique visitors every day doesn't matter at all. I mean, why even bother with something as trivial as deeply entrenched, commonplace, raging misogyny on one of the world's busiest media sites? It's not like it happens to anyone that matters. It's just a few women.

she didn't get the job and wound up marrying a guy 25 yrs her senior and living as a housewife in Connecticut.

If someone asked me, "Would you like a sandwich?" and then handed me either a burrito or some other kind of sandwich, I would assume I'd just made a delightful new friend.

Alright, that's a wrap people!

I have a chronic pain condition, and heated yoga is basically the best way for me to actually be able to move. When I'm doing hot yoga regularly, I take so many fewer painkillers, it's nearly absurd. Just because some douchebags do something doesn't mean the entire practice is somehow negated. It's like saying vegan

Same here. Pop Goes The Weasel, in my mind, has always been:

So excited for this sequel. I genuinely adored the first movie and will hear nothing negative about it. It's my go-to "pour a glass of wine and talk about feelings with my BFF" background movie.

Oh no no no no. Dont start with the automatic playing of embedded video. Please. I absolutely hate that. Just DONT DO IT.


Only in my tricks or treats bag. —Charlie Brown

When I got married, I saved so much money because most of my friends are professional assassins, so they volunteered their services to kill the guests as a wedding present. Also I made my own poison crystal necklace from upcycled thrift store jewelry, the DJ had 'The Rains of Castamere' on his iPod shuffle, and the

Their Parmesan Cove biscuits are the best.

The Burnt Sienna Krill and Grill.

I believe that was 20 years ago.

When I was in college I worked at a large chain seafood restaurant that recently was sold. They have excellent biscuits. The name is a color and a crustacean.

I also say jool-ree, and I'm glad you figured out how to spell the pronunciation ahead of me. :-) I'm from Akron, which had a lot of West Virginians move up during the tire boom so I wonder if the pronunciation came with them.