
Big improvement over the previous generation. There’s a lot to like here. I hope they put some thought into it.

“in my Volvo” is a poor choice for a key term. It sounds way too much like “in my Vulva”

Genuine laughs here. Thanks for sharing.

Megamullin still likey.

That’s where the poop comes out.

This is one of the best pieces of automotive journalism I’ve read in some time (maybe ever). Thank you Raph, for digging into this and synthesizing it into a great read.

Giving you a star for your user name alone.

I’m with you 100%. The FCPA requires that every corporation doing business in the US establish a system of controls (which they almost always do). The trouble starts when the subsidiary/sister company acts outside those controls. In most instances where the parent/management is completely unaware of the corrupt

Maximum fatalities!



IF they paid for the tires they would inevitably ruin (I’m looking at you Chris Harris).

Old joke - But a good one.

I can’t speak on this for certain (but I will anyway). It seems to me that diesel engines need much more compression than a rotary can offer in its current state.


1000 times this. I agree that it’s not pretty, but I have to smile at the garish-two-middle-fingers-to-the-world that the car represents. It pretty much sums up modern Cadillac.

It had to have included “I came in like a wrecking ball” right? Right after a bombing.

I agree. That is a sad looking man. It’s like he already knows he’s going to lose. (He did already know he was going to lose).
