
$17K for a Toyota Highlander. One of the bigger mistakes of my life.

Looks like the Punisher skull.

Raph, where do you find this stuff? Impressive work, enjoyable read.

Will look a little like this, but less handsome:

That would hurt. Because that is the day I crap a golden brick.

I didn’t notice the wheels also move until just now. This GIF just keeps getting working better with the comment.

Cuz’ then Ice/engineer would be back with a brand new invention.

Here here.

This article is aces. I’m loving these Garage posts. Keep em’ coming Tavarish.

Yep. So...I think itscrhome has the right idea here.

The exception that proves the rule.

Me too. Too bad suicide doors rarely make it into production. Amiright?

I swear I have seen a lot of things in my life, but

For what it’s worth, here’s my take:

Truer words were never spoken, Dave.

Megamullin likey.

Me too.

Texas Ranger round-house kicks are the best round-house kicks.