
When you’re in Texas look behind you. Cuz’ that’s where they ranger’s...Gonna be.

I don’t often read this site, but it was posted on Jalopnik and I trust the Jalop editors.

I agree with the downtime you mentioned. However, for me, the way that the economical value should be viewed is PRICE/MILE.

Must be a modified Polaris slingshot.

So...I’ve been skimming these articles and I have to say, these are awesome.

Those things are not comfortable on a road trip. At all.

Hahaha! I keep getting the impression that the editors are distracted with all the cool car shows going on right now. I think that shows through in the content. I can’t say I blame them...I would be doing the same thing.

Agreed. If anyone dislikes the F40, their opinion is irrelevant.

I think we should ask a better question to get better answers.

This video just made my day. Thanks Torch.

I feel like this every time I see a Lexus grill.

They were turds. But I dig the looks. Especially the back end:

That’s a good point I hadn’t considered.

That seriously made me giggle uncontrollably. Good on you, friend.

He may be the only person who owned a ferrari who couldn’t make it light on fire by itself.