Is it weird that the only people that like cricket are the British, and the people they subjugated over the years?
Is it weird that the only people that like cricket are the British, and the people they subjugated over the years?
CMON has a pretty killer looking demon apocalypse game on KS right now.
Sausages... Sausages!!!!! Saaaausages!
If you do manage to go, definitely try and make it to the yearly Masquerade. That’s the big costume contest they have every year, and they usually have pretty kick ass hosts, like George Perez and Peter David.
It’s always a blast. It’s gotten a tad... crowded over the years, but the people are always great, and costumers do a damn great job.
heh I may have to go back and read all my trades again, now. FYI, at my wife’s first Dragon Con, we went as Vlad and Cassie. Needless to say, people took way more pictures of her than me. lmao
Word. I fell in love the comic the instant I read the first TPB. Her and Vlad are just such a great team, and it was a great mix of genuine scares and solid humor. Would absolutely kill to see her show up in the new Evil Dead show, or in a movie of her own.
I gotta know. Who does Jeph Loeb depict being brutally murdered/torn apart in this issue?
I really wish they could talk Seeley into coming back and doing more Hack/Slash. *sniff*
Sadly, mine is a little too young for this. :( once my wife finishes her new Archie stuff, I plan on seeing if she likes it. Heh
Except she only stayed ther after and because of the marriage, iirc. Ugh
Most of the Image stuff I read is typically in the TPB format. Same with Valiant now, too.
This really is one of the best comics out there right now.
Man, Simon sounds like a delight. Did I say delight? I mean an asshole.
Girl in purple seems to be Zarda/Power Princess
They are...
heh If they throw something as simple as that, I wouldn’t mind.
Mephisto use illusions and trickery to get what he wants? Now who’s being crazy, you silly bear?