
The whitepaper specifically says, “Libra will start as a permissioned blockchain.” They say the ambition is to become permissionless but have no timeline or roadmap for how to do that.

Soooooo that’s not what is happening. The network is private, limited to the companies that are getting an incentive from operating it. That potentially has other issues but the one you described is in no way one of them. 

They will most likely make money off of interest on the USD or other currency that is held when a user buys Libra. This is a different model than most payment networks which would take a cut of each transaction. If this is the case it could make transactions less expensive for merchants and consumers while still

Yes. Unfortunately this article and 99.9% of the comments miss that point. We all live somewhere where banking is easy to obtain and you never think about the problems of an all-cash society or one where you can’t get a bank account.

They will be acting as a money transmitter and will therefore beholden to banking regulations. Those include things like reporting suspicious transactions. My guess is that is the limited cases. I agree with your point on customer consent though.

This article fails to point out who this is really for. You are totally correct that if you already have Apple Pay this is pretty pointless. Unfortunately there are a shit load of people in the world who don’t have access to banking like you do.

Yeah wearing tights is super comfy. You really are putting your junk out there though, which is awkward for everyone.

I saw my buddy tear his Achilles playing basketball a few years ago. It looked almost exactly the same. He was dribbling slowly on the perimeter and went down, a total freak accident.

Why bring a tree as a gift? There’s a good reason it needs to go into quarantine. If you are giving someone a gift that they need to keep hermetically sealed so it doesn’t ruin your other shit...that’s a bad gift.

My buddy just sold his salvage-title piece of crap car this weekend and the pictures he spent three minutes taking looked better than these.

If that was a legitimate concern then people would care about the 6,000 pedestrians cars killed last year in the US.

I can’t imagine them ever being convenient in Houston. The entire city seems to be 2 million people spread across 1000 square miles divided up by 20 freeways.

Bike share only works if you have a critical mass of bikes / docks. I used to live in Chicago and used the Divvy bikes probably 10 rides a week. In Salt Lake we have a bike share but it only has about 30 docks. I have used it exactly one time. 

This is a great point. I pretty much live off of whatever free games I get from PS+ each month. I don’t want to spend $60 on new games that I don’t have time to play. 

The fact that rule is so long tells you everything you need to know. The written rules of baseball are 9000000000 pages long yet somehow there’s another million pages of unwritten idiocy.

I somehow went to like 30 games the year the Tigers lost 119. Baseball was better as a kid because kids are goddamn idiots and don’t understand how stupid it is.

The kind of person who wants to have a gun so they can shoot a student is not the person who should be a teacher.

People care what conspiracy morons think because they do things like kill people in the real world. You cannot possibly be that dense.