
These scooters are NOT on the company’s property. Your analogy is completely stupid.

How would everyone here feel about me starting a company that ransoms off your car back to you if I ever find it illegally parked? Expired tags, meter is out of time, too close to a stop sign? Pay me $1000 to get your car back.

Thank god for the city choosing what transportation options you have. 

I mean Ford wouldn’t like it if a random company started towing all Fords either. 

They should also institute the no coming off the bench to fight rule like the NBA. Want to speed up games? Don’t let 60 people go out on the field to stand around for 10 minutes.

I remmeber Romney’s clearly because of the guy who got it tattooed on his face.

Has everyone seen all the anti-Semitic comments Gmgsucks666 has been making everywhere? No? Well go fucking look yourself, they’re out there.  

Agree. The actual number is somewhere in the middle, but I suspect the ISPs are the ones exaggerating their number more.

I’m just now realizing that I also don’t know how to turn the radio off in my Mazda, and I’m in my 30s. It never occurred to me to turn it completely off. 

The difference is that the FCC is asking the ISPs if they currently do or could provide broadband, and they say yes except for 25MM people. The reality is that there are 162MM people not being provided broadband. The 137MM difference isn’t necessarily people choosing not to use broadband, but people who don’t have

How in god’s name is this a 257 page book? If he has 257 pages of different ways to cheat then I’m legitimately impressed. 

Bike paths don’t exist everywhere. Bike paths don’t go everywhere you want or need to go. There’s not a bike path from my house to my office. Sometimes I take the road to the bike path. Sometimes the road is more scenic than the bike path. 

My hot response: Cars, at least the ones that are $5,000 + are not a necessity, they are a toy. They should be relegated to the many tracks and other closed courses that exist and leave roads to responsible commuters. Thanks.

And yet none of that is justification for even close to justification for anything in this article. Also I would love to find a community of drivers who follow the rules. Let me know if you find one. 

This seems like it would be a lot more durable than a camera that slides since it only needs one hinge and some sort of slider mechanism instead of two rails. One less thing to break. 

Utah has a unique brand of racism where everyone in the state is white, but a huge amount of people have actually traveled outside the country, speak other languages, and have appreciation for other cultures. It’s not the racism of the person who has never left the county they grew up in and get all of their opinions

I’m boycotting subway because their food is bad and I don’t want to eat it ever.

Is that true though? If this was sex trafficking then they aren’t going to prosecute the workers if they were being forced into it. Also at this point they were allegedly committing a crime. It’s fairly obvious that they were also actually committing a crime, but waiting for a trial seems important.

1) Which link? I’m not saying Kraft’s handy was rape, but if it was would this fall under the same privacy laws? If I am either Kraft or the worker I don’t want that video coming out.

Honestly this seems really invasive and super wrong. I would imagine that in addition to Kraft not wanting the tape to be public, the workers also don’t. If we are going with the idea that they were also victimized why would anyone want that tape to be public? If there was a video of someone being raped should that be