Wouldn’t it be “ur”?
Wouldn’t it be “ur”?
Any more hot take bets you want to offer to people that you have no intention of actually offering?
Seriously bro, ALL the money in my pocket.
Durrrrr u wanna bet bro ??
Did you seriously write this unironically? Sorry about what an unbelievable douche you are I guess.
Sorry about what a fucking idiot you are and everything.
You are not a woman.
So if I believe I’m a dolphin, like realllllly hard, does that mean I get to move into sea world and they have to treat me as a dolphin or they are discriminating against me?
Truth hurts I guess. You are suffering from a mental illness. Hence why you don’t see reality the way every other person does.
Oh look another example of why I read this site about 10% of what I used to l.
Yeah I'm sure you have tons of money. Please stop talking.
But when people said the exact same thing about what sarkassian did they were called horrible things here. But yeah please blame the victim more. Only the extremists you are affiliated with deserve to be able to threaten people. Because you are right.
Because your’re a douchebag ??
Sorry about you being a massive piece of shit and all. Apparently harassment is only harassment if it happens to the groups and people that you are ideologically affiliated with. The mark of an unintelligent person.
Everything apparently refers to rape now apparently. Fuck people are stupid
You’re a fucking moron. Sorry she forgot to consult with you as to which language is politically correct. She is too busy also being black and not caring what somebody like you who has no connection to the community or this situation. thinks about this
People like you suck so bad. And there is no arguing or disagreeing with you.
No but it raises the serious possibility of her being full of shit.
Title ix and harassment, etc work both ways you know.