
I think it would be doubly cool to hermetically seal it internally so you could then beer-cool the PC.


They hired a family outfit to do the demo work? I bet they had ten teeth between them, with eight on the kid.

You can get an equivalent vaporizer from, which I think are a canadian company, for less than half the cost of that Volcano with just the same quality and results. I paid $260 for mine.

You should interpret this only one way: in the past few thousand years really nothing has changed for the human race. - Dan Fruzzetti

Yeah I don't know about you guys but I agree that was some sophisticated software in its day

You can get a good vaporizer for $260 from Arizer.

Not my kid; my kid's shit will be on lockdown — any device that won't lock down properly and on schedule won't belong to my kid.

Google is really big, true, but even though they have the money to bring this all the way to the net, it will get boring and just like a big kid, they'll drop the idea. It's basically an ad campaign against Microsoft, and in that respect it might win shares, but the government really, really is the 800 pound gorilla

I guess skiing and having a pacemaker are no longer compatible :P

Also, reverse time travel will never be possible. Sorry.

The thing that scares me here is that this was taken well into the photographic age, and most adults my age (30) or over would recognize this as NOT a mobile phone.. I'm worried that today's kids are so out-of-touch with our histories and roots that they don't have the necessary intuition to take the reins and

"Massive" 25 million dollar fine? Is it even one-fourth of the CEO's salary?

@Xiandel: Agreed. The internet would be much more powerful if people could keep a few things hush-hush and just share via face-to-face. I don't care how much more slowly it spreads; at least that way there's a slightly better trust-to-trust level of protection.

Soo all she did was read about the guy who invented the 'two clay pots' and built on it? F'in Edisons are everywhere; I want to be a Tesla.

FINALLY someone points out how awesome Gottfried Leibniz was. I wrote about him in my book [] which makes me totally stoked; he was really, really right about a lot of things!

@Rabid Penguin: Again you have a good point. Although please let me ask you a couple questions and share some personal experience, for what it's worth.

@ILikeKubrick: Most people are so busy with their lives that they never really connect with the greater reality. It's sad, but at the same time you have to recognize it's also human to only consider things at a certain scope and scale.

@pmbaustin: They're not so different, both being dry rocky things.