
Maybe someone can help me see what I’m clearly missing here, but if you stop looking at Batgirl and Batman and The Joker as men and women, rather as characters and their roles within the narrative, isn’t being a plot device exactly what a side character is. The main conflict of the story, is between two characters and

I feel like it doesn’t matter if we know whether or not it’s him because one of two things will happen as a result of this AMA: 1. Something stupid and offensive will be said, and Drumpf will come out and say it wasn’t him, it was a misunderstanding and he’ll get blasted by liberals for it not actually being him and

I’m a little confused by this article, and perhaps maybe these topics in general so here are some bullets of my questions and would appreciate honest answers, not trying to be a dick with any questions if they come off that way, just trying not to be long winded:

I thought the sound people use for bae comes from that, but I thought the acronym was implied, buuuuut I could be wrong, soo thanks for letting me know.

... good to know, thanks!

It is. Apparently the new thing is to have abbreviations for words, then have those abbreviations become words of their own that don’t exactly align grammatically with where they came from.

Went to a game at FedEx last year, decided to park offsite and walk in, only problem was we had 4 cases of beer and a handle and the parking lot is fucking huuuuuge, probably would have been well worth paying to park, but I’m a man of principle.

You’re partially right, I fixed it;

Regardless of all the religous hoopla and where you land with your beliefs, it’s a pretty fucking cool object from an aesthetic standpoint.

No, just cause something doesn’t often happen in real life does not at all mean that it shouldn’t happen often in books. If you want dark, gloomy, and “realistic” that’s totally fine, but it doesn’t always have it’s place. Not liking it because it’s been done a million times is understandable; but as it’s an element

I really don’t know the answer to this, and I think it’s lost somewhere in the depths of the entire system being built upon dated economic ideas that persist despite the largely changing and fluid nature of economies, but at a certain point, shouldn’t the task your doing come into the conversation about a living wage.

The choice to put this video together without an actual musical background or score is brilliant. If you had a really inspirational soundtrack that was slow and moving, but rose in celebration it would be extremely easy to get sucked into his words about what music is, but not because of any content of what he said.

A World of Ice and Fire is definitely a good read if you’re interested in all of the old tales, also the Dunk and Egg stories are good for that too. I think the Age of Heroes sounds utterly fascinating but I think the current story’s ability to flesh out characters much more than the bullet points of history makes it

This is one of the best ads ever. It is completely clean, in terms of anything that could be deemed offensive, and yet you wrote a blog post about it after someone tweeted about it. +1 NJSO

Westeros does have potions for abortions which I’m certain she’d use.

It was predictable, but I don’t think that’s a fault this time. Did everyone see the Vale army coming to save the day? Sure. Did anyone think Ramsay would actually win? No. Was Rickon certainly going to die? Yes. But I think they did it well enough that it’s ok. Sometimes things are going to shake out exactly how you

I thought it was specatacularly done, but disappointing because you almost knew he had to survive and win. I know it’s GoT but at the end of the day it would have been too difficult to justify killing him off or him losing in terms of the plot. The show has to wrap up soon and to have a powerless Stark means a

Now having read your actual statement, I agree it was cheesey and almost exactly how the battle of the blackwater went, but we also knew it had to be happening that way. If Baelish showed up too early Ramsay would have just backed toward the castle so he had to time his arrival. Although this new thing where no one

you get a star for your name and picture alone.

Yeah, I couldn’t tell if that was supposed to be sincere world building or just bull shit commoner notions, like she was still being a character and not fully arya stark, and the common people believe nothing is west of westeros but maybe learned people know it’s just an ocean or something, idk.