
Anti-vaxxers deserve all of the riddicule and scorn we can muster.

Why? What makes her exempt? She's a nut and needs to be called out as one.

She’s appearing in a big blockbuster movie despite her previous harmful comments. I may still be skeptical that her views have actually changed, but ultimately my opinion and the people who share it doesn’t affect her in any way, especially since I don’t interact with her on social media. She’s fine.

I can’t see how your “defense” would not also be applicable for the racism of Michael Richards, as an example. Being “broken” is not carte blanche for saying hateful shit.

How exactly is the existence, humanity and dignity of transgender women Dave’s tragedy to laugh at? 

Let’s also think of the number of vulnerable trans youth who aren’t killed, but ARE winding up homeless, abused, and even tortured because their hardware and software don’t quite jibe. Every closeted trans kid who was even walking by when someone was playing that section was harmed—first by someone on TV saying they

Ah, perhaps to point out that Chapelle’s words are, in fact, a serious problem for those of us who are trans? Seeing as how we already face death threats and abuse on a regular basis? And, you know, giving US some goddamn support, for once, instead of ignoring it?  Instead of being casually bigoted the way you just

Simply because bigotry is common does not make it right. The majority of the US hated MLK in his time. It didn’t make racism okay then, anymore than it makes your transphobia okay now. Bigotry is wrong no matter how popular or unpopular it is.

It’s always the folks spouting the most irrational horseshit that go on about what a boner they have for “logic.” Your ‘points’ are neither rational, nor compassionate. They are neither rationally nor emotionally correct or justifiable. You’re trying, and failing horribly, to present a poorly-considered opinion,

White folks are not a marginalized community. White folks, unlike trans folks, have not been the target of over 100 bills aimed at curbing their rights in this year alone. But have fun with those false equivalencies.

Yes white comedians had done this but there was a backlash, rightfully so from the black community, and now there are NO WHITE COMEDIANS doing it. The LGBT community doesn’t think it’s off limits to anything, but there are jokes and then there is flat out being prejudice which Chappelle clearly is here. 

Man, imagine thinking that like sexism doesn’t exist just because someone didn’t call for the murder of all women. 

This is of course, operating on the assumption that BLACK transpeople apparently don’t exist or that they aren’t hurt at a demonstrably higher rate by the kind of transphobia he thinks he’s sidestepping by trying to make this about race.

Dude would rather pretend that Christians are some oppressed minority than admit that trans folks might not be on top of the social ladder. Pretty much a tacit admission that he doesn’t have a clue or a stake in this issue.

Funny how you’re so insistent about “female” spaces when most folks refer to them as “women’s” spaces, but I understand that your hardline dogma about trans folks requires a real black-and-white approach to gender and sex. That’s the thing about TERFs, y’all can’t help but keep coming back to defining women in terms

Found the TERF!

So what you’re saying is that because trans women have sometimes won things, they are “supplanting”? That’s a ridiculous bar to set, because it is predicated on the idea that trans women’s inclusion would be acceptable as long as no trans woman ever won an award that a cis woman would otherwise have won, or won a

“TERF’s”, as they’re called. DO have a point.

You heard it here first, folks! Per JRHoosier, there is no legitimate way to criticize a comedian for transphobia, because both watching their act and not watching their act are both suspect!

The idea that trans women are somehow supplanting cis women is absurd. It’s also pretty close to what racists used to say about integrating nonwhite girls and women, which should give you pause.

But it won’t, because based on the rest of your comment it appears that you are yourself a TERF.