
Why, Tucker Carlson is sure to defend her, right?

Just to add to this story, Fox News picked it up yesterday and ran it as front-page news on its website. Of course, she’s a whacko liberal (aren’t they all?) whose comments were sickening and disrespectful. (No, really, they actually said that in the article.)

I hated this cynical ploy/stunt, but here’s a serious question:

Something something his fucking mother something something.

I am more pissed at the cops who thought an appropriate response was to handcuff two people accused of trespassing. That’s a bit disproportionate, no?

Cohen lied?


IIf it’s good enough for my grad school doorstop, it’s good enough for me.

Anybody else remember when Robert Mueller was the greatest person ever to be appointed special counsel?

I’m sure someone else mentioned this already, but Ingraham didn’t actually apologize. She did the classic “I’m sorry if you were offended” bullcrap, which is quite different from an apology, and followed it up with “and look how awesome I was to him, that ungrateful shit!”

I heard about the rural hospitals thing on CBS the other day. How has no one at Splinter written that up?

Rubles? As though Trump would pay in any currency.

Hey now! I’ll have you know Todd Starnes is (allegedly) fueled by HUMAN piss.

I graduated high school in 2005, and back then we had a teacher (gifted/talented choir) who wasknown to invite students to his home for rehearsal. It was an open secret he was into guys, but whether he was into younger guys was unknown—although we had suspicions.

No snark: I openly mock and criticize her anti-bullying campaign because (a) she probably plagiarized it from somewhere else and (b) she doesn’t give one wet fart about her husband and his history of bullying.

A”weird-ass Christian cult?” Sir/ma’am, you repeat yourself.

Diet Coke isn’t his problem. His problem is the *amount* of diet Coke, diet pills, spray Tanner, and probably Adderall.

The ideas are not rage-inducingly stupid, so...

I have a feeling he’s not-so-privately told friends that teachers shouldn’t be armed because “every month those womefolk just go crazy and can’t be relied on not to shoot the kids.”

You cannot possibly be serious.