
I personally think this comparison is basically dead on, and it's made a lot of sense of Pearl for me. It's kind of illuminated this week.

I looooove Taylor, but there's WAY too much first album here.

Fury. Patience.

but HOW DO WE KNOW that pear is really sorry

they mention shermy and everything like straight up, pretty definitely settling that they have lineage planned out

I said Pear.

i just realized

Garnet would not forgive Pear.

Stevonnie is basic friendship? uh

why don't amethyst and pearl fuse if they want that feeling so much, i wonder

The ship might refer to a response to Peridot's broadcast, actually…

By the way, this is another episode that hits pretty heavily on the idea of fusion as sex. Garnet's feelings of intense betrayal and unwillingness to fuse with Pearl again despite Sugilite being a bad option were soooo reminiscent of how something equivalent might go down.

I'll be kind of mad if it's resolved THAT quickly, actually.

By the way, Crying Breakfast Friends is the best fucking show EVER. Is it parodying anything, does anyone know? Or is it just completely unique awesome absurdism?

I'm glad the show finally committed to ending a story on a really sour note.

Does his trip to upstate New York confirm that "steamed hams" may, in fact, be an Albany expression?

So I just wrote up a huge feature on the top 50 episodes. Upvotes and Tumblr posts endlessly appreciated. It's my first big thing and I'm really hoping it gets some traction.

I agree with a lot of this, but what does that make what Lapis is doing to Jasper?

I love slapstick. I love Ren & Stimpy, for instance. But there's something about TTG that…is frankly a little bit terrifying. It seems manic in a way that might have hit a sweet spot when I was younger, but man oh man.

"Puhoy" is just what Finn's Pillow World father-in-law says in place of "ahoy." He says it twice I think in the episode.