
Now THAT sounds like a very good idea. I think I am about 15 years away from retirement (I’m a teacher, but I have switched states and pensions then will probably be partial from each). If I haven’t become an old, cranky teacher, I may stick it out a few years past that.
I wasn’t much of an investor until right around

I don’t know “how” flexible we need to be, but I know that often when my lower back hurts, it is because of tightness issues in my lower body (often hamstrings). A few years ago, the back pain was so bad that I had some physical therapy, and we definitely worked on flexibility.
But I am pretty sedentary by nature.

If it helps, you aren’t really all that different from where you were 6 months ago or so.
The DJIA on Aug 30, 2019 was 26, 362. Today, it shows 25,917.
I am hoping it won’t go much lower, of course, but the 6 month losses aren’t that bad yet.

I’ll be honest—I recognized young Leia as Billie Lourd, and I wasn’t even sure how much of CGI overlay they performed. I really enjoyed that scene, regardless of how it was created.
ROS was not a great movie, but I am not so sure it is as bad as I hear so many people say. Ditto for TLJ. I have loved Star Wars since its

I have been wondering that too! I came to this entire site by coming to io9 back when Charlie Jane was here running it. I will miss it when it is gone. I started looking the other day, and I just couldn’t find anything that seemed close.

You know, with Disney bundling different services (ESPN, Hulu, Disney+), that might make some sense--you could pay the modest $8/month for DC U, or upgrade to get HBO Max and DC U.

I am not sure your point here. There is no denying that vaping among teens has increased—there are statistics to support that everywhere. There were over 100 vaping devices confiscated at my high school alone last year (in a school of size 1100). I am sure there were more that weren’t confiscated.

5 years ago, students

Millennial reminded me of a trivia night with my inlaws. There was a spelling category and I was 9/10—I misspelled millennium. My father-in-law (who was a great guy), gave me so much crap because he knew I was a Star Wars fan, but I wasn’t a true fan because I didn’t know how to spell Millennium Falcon.
It was all in

Sorry, I just saw this.

For IL, retirement is a state program. Districts and employees contribute, the state contributes to it. There is really not much to manage there. There have been times when legislators have tried to change the benefits, and that is under their purview since it is a governmental run program.

It doesn’t work that way in my local teacher union. I am a union rep who sits on the insurance committee.

I hate to say it, but I see this spiraling out of control at the high school level. So many kids use e-cigs in the bathroom at our school, trying to not get caught.
We have even had administrators post themselves outside of bathrooms between classes.

We get told that we shouldn’t be letting kids go to the bathroom

I assume it is a play on Pythagorean theorem, whose converse is probably one of the most used ideas in construction, the 3-4-5 rule for checking for “square” (90 degree) corners.

Agreed! You should definitely get some experience with a cheap bag before you spend a lot of money on a bag that you ultimately won’t like.

Agreed! You should definitely get some experience with a cheap bag before you spend a lot of money on a bag that you

I haven’t paid enough attention to all the trailers, but do we know if Betty Brant is in this one? I always thought she was a few years older than Peter in the comics, and if they use the fact that she wasn’t snapped to now make her older, that would be some great planning in my mind.

It currently looks like he ATE the cake...

I agree that I thought Sanderson really did a great job with keeping a balance between wrapping things up while still trying to make the wrap-ups worthwhile and earned. There were so many plot lines and loose threads, and while I remember thinking they weren’t all answered, the important ones were.

Have you played the restoration mod for KOTOR 2? I just played it this past winter, and it brought back so many memories (as well as added a few things, but it has been so long that I couldn’t tell much of what was new or not).
I remember feeling like KOTOR 2 was so much shorter than KOTOR 1, but I didn’t get that

I seem to remember reading that it was an option for a female Revan to romance Juhani, but that it was cut. I think there is a mod here that restores it.
That is a shame that they cut it. I know that would have been ground breaking for a Star Wars game, and perhaps for most video games at the time.

I didn’t take that way. I was just answering your question (which I understood was mostly rhetorical).
Here is hoping its good. When I said, “I couldn’t be bothered by the others,” I mean that I tried to sit down and watch them (at home, not theaters). I couldn’t even sit through them, and I am usually NOT picky about

I am interested in this. I haven’t really paid much attention to them since Terminator 3, which I thought was fine, but I could take it or leave it.

I tried to watch the other movies, and I just couldn’t even be bothered.
But, I’m 45, so having Sarah Connors in it hits the sweet spot of nostalgia for me.