MasterMario - Keeper of the V8s

Products liability is one piece. The other is the cargo insurance. In many cases “loads” I.e. total value of goods are viewed as a whole and are scrapped as a whole. I.e. if you were to hit a beer truck and break one bottle of beer they scuttle the rest of the load. That’s a waste of perfectly good beer!

To be fair, most ships are generally designed to not capsize. Yes, there’s the one, you know the one.

The new phrase, BLM means burn, loot and murder, not Black Lives Matter,” White said.

One of the best ways to prevent deaths from accidents is to prevent the accident in the first place. This is solved with education. Make it MUCH more difficult to obtain a driver license, or make it a tiered system (as to not negatively affect the lower income brackets) where a beginner permit allows you to use

You are giving flat earthers way too much credit. This van is cooler than flat earthers, has a reason to exist and can provide real value to the world.

Having too many Tabs open will do that.

I came around on the draft. It’s pretty terrible for a country to ship people off to war against their will. But without the draft, we’ve been at war almost constantly since 2001. Most of the population shrugged when we were suddenly at war with Iraq as well as Afghanistan. Few people are really bothered by the fact

The military is full of racist trash, and the VA largely hires veterans. Only way that cesspool is getting cleaned out is John Kerrys derided plan to reinstate the draft.

I agree that Rice is the better pick, and I’d rather see Harris as Attorney General since I would LITERALLY pay money to see her completely decimating Trump and his ‘staff’ (including Barr) and throwing them all in jail (God willing). But if Covid, the struggling economy, extremely visible racism, general ineptitude,

The worst thing is that I know what he means, but he says everything in the worst way possible that makes him sound so bad. He needs to make his VP choice and shut the fuck up.

I was able to text in my sweatpants pocket in high school with my trusty ol’ flip phone 

The process produces tons of highly radioactive waste, the ingredients to create nuclear weapons, potential instability that could lead to a destructive nuclear meltdown, and other concerning issues.

Nuclear Fusion Will Not Save Us

Especially now that we know Jared DELIBERATELY withheld support for blue states in the beginning.

Also, before the “THE BUS MAKES MY WHITE PEEPE SAD” crowd shows up:

Counterpoint: I find walkong around in forests and fields in the dead of night by myself with no lights very calming.

Can you point out what misinformation this site (Jalopnik) provided?

*for racists.  It’s complicated for racists.  

You have a Ram ProMaster van with a self-driving system that doesn’t exist in our reality yet. What are you going to do with it?

Not just the poor though...the working class as well.