
Omg, I totally agree with everything you said. Loved the cooking and camping experience, but I very rarely ever did. I would just bank up all my experience to use at the hotels. Hotels definitely break the games balance.

No problem.

“Rubberbanding” is a gaming term used when someone is fighting an enemy, and they can literally just run far enough away that the enemy will “rubberband” back to its original location.

The question to ask ANYONE first is the MOST IMPORTANT:

Albert, did you even vote?

Most people bitching didn’t even vote, heck most weren’t even registered to vote.

No dude, you have a pathetic lifestyle.

So true my good friend. Most people who are replying do not have relatives or family in any of the visa programs. I do.

No you literally have no life.

Great points my friend.

Hello, and thank you for your well written comment about FF15.

Yup ... this Hitch guy is an Internet Troll ...

The fact you responded so fast, within 9 fucking minutes =

Too Long : You Can’t Read

So your saying ignoring this Youtube Pie Guy is the same as ignoring Trump when he becomes President? wiki?

Video game addons lmfao ...

You have no friends. And the fact that you responded to my comment within 5 minutes proves you have no real life friends.

So you show me a chart from 2014 that ONLY 194 People voted on the question:

No that is not insane. That IS what the VAST MAJORITY do.

Again, read your comments. You rant about bullshit.

Yea I’ve got a life, wife, and friends so I get on here like once a month.