
Prostitutes only do sex work, these women do emotional work as well.

Defending women’s rights to do what they want with their own bodies is triggering you? So much for Feminism, am I right?

Even if it is just a transaction, some people just want gratification. Not everyone wants to deal with women the hard way.

You realize no one’s forcing them to do this. Paying for sex is no different from paying for any other human service, like a massage for example. Get with the times.

Apparently you didn’t read the article. Sometimes it leads to something more. And some people just want companionship. Not everything is about sex.

They’re fully consenting adults. Women have the right to do what they want with their own bodies.

Men pay for sex for the same reason men pay for anything. I can’t believe this is a serious question.

There shouldn’t be a “referendum” on whether women should have rights or not. That should be guaranteed by the Constitution. Everyone who believes women have the right to make their own decisions should support the legalization of prostitution.

This is only driving prostitution further underground. They still can’t report to the police at all for fear of losing clients.

Says the woman with the name “Misandrone”. You’re probably a misandriast. Most people don’t work at McDonald’s as a first choice either, does that mean we should ban McDonald's?

By trolls you mean people who disagree with your opinion, right?

What makes you think society isn’t ready? We have to continue pushing the world forward not backwards like France is doing.

That’s exactly what happened in Sweden and other Nordic countries. Prostitution went further underground and out of the sight of law enforcement.

But prostitutes still won’t report to the police because they don’t want to lose their clients. Legalization or at least decriminalization is the only way forward. Restricting women’s rights is NEVER the answer.

Paul Elam.

If it’s legal then France will probably ban that soon as well. But I’m happy we at least have something legal.

You seem to be really aggressive about restricting women’s rights. If you read the article it’s only conservatives who are pushing for the law not liberals. So who’s the MRA now?

Maybe you should stop femsplaining for a second and actually listen to what others have to say.

I’m genuinely curious, do you also support banning strip clubs?

I never called all women whores, I’m merely making a convincing argument.