Sweet Caroline

Unfriended wins most pleasant surprise for me. I didn't find it to be horror as much as black comedy. Playing that sad song over the end as the main character was facing her death was so brilliant. I like how it doesn't even try to get you to sympathize with its awful, awful characters. They play like real vapid and

I've watched that movie three times now, and just during this last time did I notice the lizard in the beginning has two heads. I'm an idiot.

I totally agree with you.

I love that the show is so meticulous without feeling the need to draw attention to its cleverness. Its storytelling is really careful and beautiful, it's so refreshing. And it's obvious the show's creators genuinely care for their characters.

The review a few years back of "The Nightman Cometh" is flabbergasting.

Most underrated show.

Now that he's eaten part of his face, he reeeally doesn't give a shit.

I guess it's pretty easy to overlook cartoons (not that that's an excuse) but Steven Universe, this season especially, has some of the best writing on television.

Jesus. Television is really, really good right now.

"I'd like to remake the movie Kazaam with Shaquille O'Neal where he plays a genie, and I'd like to get it right."

That horrifies me on one level, but on another, if anyone could pull that off, it would be Bryan Fuller.

Oh my God, you're right. You're so right.

"Food Fighters" is also the parody band he's in. He rocks mean theremin solos in "Wrong Soup's a Brewin'" and "(I wanna eat the) Rest of You."

I think too, Fuller's Hannibal essentially being the devil (though he's become more human as the series has gone on), he wants to portray this devil as immensely seductive. While Will and Hannibal love each other, Fuller's take on the relationship is more focused on mutual recognition than on any kind of romantic

The music during the surgery montage was amazing.

No new straight-to-DVD airpuppy movies?

Why do you hate dogs, NBC??

I believe you can get me through the niiIIIIIGGGHHT

At the Hannibal/Will/Wendigo wedding:
Half-beheaded Abigail: "Hanni, do you take Will-"
Hannibal: "Of course."
HBA: "And Wendigo, you?"
Wendigo: *looms*
Will: *trembles*

Watching Will continue to suffer has always been the hardest for me to watch… Not the beautiful gore or nightmarish images, but the way this shattered man is just constantly being beaten down. I had similar feelings watching Anthy in Utena.