Sweet Caroline

No mention of "Maidenform," the episode that immortalized Chauncey the Dog? Absolute bullshit.

I thought we'd have mention of Peggy laying into Raymond, what with that picture and all. (Fuck Raymond, by the way.) I love that scene - it kind of perfectly encapsulates how a woman can assert herself just as any man would (Don specifically, in this case), but be rejected on several levels merely on the basis of

"Mad Men, the cure for the common television show!"

It was so disheartening to see Joan enthusiastic about working on Harry's scripts, only to have it abruptly taken away when she wasn't even considered for the position. Joan consistently demonstrates her value and considerable intelligence, but "eh, she's just a woman." Such as when, after the lawnmower incident, she

This was a nice reminder of how slimy Pete is. I always get caught up in feeling bad for him having to be himself that I forget about the truly awful things he's done.

Betty/washing machine FTW.

I sometimes despised the occasional attention Tina and Mike received. Let's have the two Asians date one another and make broad, offensive Asian jokes! Let's have Mike get in trouble because of his actually really high grades, and add in something about his dishonoring his family! Get it, it's funny because they're

Stop trying to make Mean Girls happen. It's not going to happen.

Is saying Jesse Eisenberg looks like Michael Cera still cool? I'm asking… for a friend.

Glee transformed from an enjoyable television-version of Election to a neutered after school special (imagine the caffeine pill, music video episode of Saved by the Bell) that pretends to still have bite.

I love that Shoshanna and Scott can talk openly about their exes and past experiences and neither be weird about it. I just want Shoshanna to be happy, and she seems like the one Girl that actually has a chance of achieving happiness. Also, I like that she and Ray seem to be maintaining a steady, if tentative,

Marry Shoshanna.
Kill literally everyone else.

Just when I think Marnie can't sink any lower…

I wanted to bring it Beck? Eh?


He also doesn't care for Beck people.

Buffy's iterations of "Mom… Mommy?" tore me apart.

Never forget! Chauncey's name will never die!

I miss Lane. He always seemed like he'd be pleasant to hang around.

I think Hannibal is on here for the wrong episode. "Mizumono" is absolutely gutting (pun almost intended).