Diabolik Returns

Absolutely right! **he typed, while wearing full WW2 tropical kit, a tutu, clown shoes and pickelhaube**

There is a superb French comedy from about 20 years ago, Tatie Danielle, about a grandmother who teams up with her little grandchild to make her parent's lives hell when she moves in with them, the two just collaborating with each other so well because they're spoiled, self-centred, cruel, heartless pieces of shit.

'Filed Under: Fuck Them'. That's weirdly specific, but then this is O'Neal. I've clicked on it and this is the only article filed, but we are on the threshold of a new dawn, people, let us hold hands and advance together, into a new world where we can search by tabs for those who can get fucked. I feel we are on the

I'm sure the AV Club will eventually get round to reporting it but Bryan Cranston is going on stage in London as Howard Beale in a stage version of Network, which seems…. timely. Lee Hall has adapted, which is promising.

Just keep it out of the House Of Rocking Chairs store.

But sadly there's no more porno theatres open.

Tsk! Just like very other weekend….. What the point of being expensively homeschooled if you can't fist your own dad.

Elephant Man gum never took off.

Actually it was going to be Jon Finch, and it wasn't scheduling but illness which made Finch drop out at short notice. It is believed it was alcohol-induced peritonitis, Finch's drinking plaguing both his professional and personal lives and basically ruining what could have been a great career, but he does turn up in K

Just have Godzilla fight Bobby Brown, then die after being introduced to crack.

I was always a John Ya Ya man myself, and I had sympathy for John Smallberries.

I don't people make models anymore. Where I grew up there was a fantastic, and very big, hobby shop, selling model kits, radio-controlled planes, woodworking stuff, painting supplies, jigsaws, all that sort of thing, and at weekends it used to be packed. When I was a kid I would occasionally get a treat from there,

Terrible, terrible news. A truly fine actor. Hopefully a more extensive obit is forthcoming. Two out of six paragraphs being about a one-joke scene is Spaceballs isn't exactly appropriate for a career as impressive as his. RIP Mr. Hurt.

They chode him up and spit him out.

The Red Turtle is amazing. I saw it at the London Film Festival initially skeptical of how the thing could be wordless but it works incredibly well, and is utterly beautiful at times.

Could he do it live?

I buy a suit in Milan every two years. Off the peg obviously, the handmade prices over there are staggering….

If you have to google "bulletproof suit" you should probably wonder about your life choices.

I have a terrific three-piece, two button black suit with a red lining. I wore it to a function with a black shirt, red tie and silver cufflinks. A friend who was there said he was convinced I was going to pull a gun and off someone.

'mars'. Really?