
Nothing special here. Jaws did this all the time.

I think a big reason the iPad can be cheaper is because Apple doesn't just make money from the sale of the hardware, the also get a 30% cut on any apps you buy for that tablet. Because of this, I believe they can sell the hardware closer to cost, knowing that they'll make up for it in software sales. Kinda the same

He was the same at blizzcon. I don't know why they hire this guy.

" ...disgraced businessman Takafumi Horie, are quick to point out that there's no reason for North Korea (or China) to attack Japan..."

Hey... This is anti-tech!

@lostarchitect: The shouting into cellphone thing has always been interesting to me. My theory is that people do this because most cell phones don't play back what you're saying in your earpiece, so people feel like they have to yell or they won't be heard.

@kaffenated: My boss, who flies from oregon to northern california every month, says his cell phone works while in the air. However, the plane he flies in is a small commuter prop plane, so probably flies lower than the big jumbo jets, which may be why he can get cell access.

@Y2KGTP: but also sadly increase your chances of getting shot in the head.

@Segador2.0: I don't see how anyone can claim it's not a UFO. It's an object, it's flying, and we can't identify it. I'd say it fits the description of 'Unidentified Flying Object' pretty well.

@sammy baby: It is. The video is also staged, thus fake. The kid's acting.

@greatsage10001: Gyroscope/compass control. Touch screen and touch sensitive back. All of these will change how you play and interact with games with the NGP.

Uhh, Taco Bell's 'beef' has never looked like beef.


They're all frying their eyes!

@Raso719: Also, because they're just bashing gameloft right now.

You mean my video games aren't real!? Next thing you're going to try to tell me is there's no mushroom kingdom.

Have it on my ATT iPhone. It's called PDANet.